“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “The Myth of Science” again and again

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “The Myth of Science #2”
“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “The Myth of Science #3”

Every new advancement seems to promise freedom, and deliver conformity. In Cornithaca County, everyone is busy — busy conforming.

When computer programs for publishing were first becoming popular commercially, designers were be able to tell which program was used for a publication because each one “channeled” the design into a recognizable form.

The channeling of today’s devices and apps can be just as controlling, and more insidious, than any totalitarian government.

Take some time to examine what’s happening to you — if you’re not too busy.

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “The Myth of Science”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “The Myth of Science” - "Scientific Theory" Poem
“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “The Myth of Science” - Myth #1

Is Science right?

When the practice is as simple as giving someone food, Science creates Industrial Farming; releasing Genetically Modified Organisms and Cancer causing pesticides in a doomed-to-failure “I’m bigger than you!” race with overpopulation — while at the same time destroying the arable land, polluting the fishable waters, and accelerating global warming seasonal changes that are decimating the crops much of the world has relied upon for thousands of years.

The real question may be: “Is Science rational?”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Ruler of All You Survey”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Ruler of All You Survey” - left hand text
“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Ruler of All You Survey” - right hand page

In Cornithaca County; the “puppet show” never stops, and the theme is usually Public Participation. The elite conduct public surveys on the county’s “needs” — needs that have already been decided before the survey questions were ever were made up.

The survey results gain legitimacy from a list of “interested parties” [although who they are or how to get on this list is a mystery] and school children [under the guidance of their teacher/authority figure]. While the children are too young by law to be entrusted with mature decision making, their teacher can instruct them on how they should decide the county’s future policies. Input from the county’s adult taxpaying residents is not actively solicited.

While the areas of policy involved may differ — every decision gives Cornithaca County’s elite more power, more money, and more control over the lives of others.

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – New Word – “Redoctrinated”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – New Word - “Redoctrinated”

You can’t achieve Cornithaca’s “One Thought – One Taught” goal without an all-pervading redoctrinated bureaucracy of information and education; what may surprise readers is how ubiquitous this bureaucracy has become.

When you start to examine all the communications around you, the link between redoctrination and indoctrination will become clear. Rural people are always objects of ridicule and portrayed as the “bad guys” in Cornithaca County — what’s happening in your community?

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Son of a Prominent Atheist”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Son of a Prominent Atheist”

For Cornithaca’s secular doctrine holders, everything is reimagined in their own self-interest; so it’s not surprising that all the negative mud-throwing is directed at other people’s beliefs.

Since any belief about religion is a religious belief, and since their secular “holier than God” attitude is just as morally arrogant as any “holier than thou” one; this page discloses the kind of doctrine deflating headlines that you should [but never will] see in newspapers.

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Obsessive Compulsive Doctrine Mythbusters”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Obsessive Compulsive Doctrine Mythbusters”

These three “Mythbuster” spots accurately convey the “tone” of modern social-psychiatric thinking; focusing on and sympathizing with the actions of the perpetrators, and trivializing their victims.

What’s the difference to the safety of the community between a bi-polar with a history of violence who is not prescribed medication, and one who does not take the medication they are prescribed?

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Obsessive Compulsive Doctrine” Posters

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Obsessive Compulsive Doctrine” Poster 1
“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Obsessive Compulsive Doctrine” Poster 2

“Obsessive Compulsive Doctrine” poster, and follow-up poster:

“Is this OCD? Just because someone annoys you, it doesn’t mean that you have Obsessive Compulsive Doctrine. It’s much more than being irritated by opinions that conflict with your beliefs. Don’t trivialize OCD.”

These are the first two Cornithaca County “OCD” posters in the series. The risk to our safety is increasing.

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Doctrine Anger Assessment Chart”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Doctrine Anger Assessment Chart”

The progression of angry facial expressions is based on the pain assessment charts found in medical treatment rooms.

Anger is an important factor in the ascendance of doctrine in Cornithaca County. Many people I talk to are afraid to express themselves publicly because of the anger that is directed to them by an ideologically controlled mob. These “doctrine holders” don’t persuade by their love, they control through their hate. This behavior matches the early pattern of the worst tyrannies in history.

The page ends with a quote from Frederick Douglass: “To make a contented slave it is necessary to make a thoughtless one.”

Unthinking anger and hate are the great doctrinal cleansers of Cornithaca County.

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “College Town CPR” Poster

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “College Town CPR” Poster

When Cornithaca County’s cleverest get into trouble — they look for patsies. The College Town always looked down their noses at their rural neighbors and had nothing to do with them, until their arrogance got them into serious troubles; then using their money, power and Ivy League influence, they reimagined the county as a way to dump all those troubles on their neighbors instead.

Just on example: Their planners created the myth of “rural sprawl” and pushed through the development of ugly urban-sprawl bedroom communities in the green spaces of neighboring towns to “combat” this horror. It’s enough to make a cat laugh, and rural residents weep.

In the “county’s” most recent comprehensive plan, the College Town is said to “define” the county’s future, and the rural community no longer exists.