Saying Equitable and Equality are the same; is like saying robbery with violence and honest labor are the same because they’re both seeking money to support their families. It’s your actions that define you — not your excuses for those actions. The prevalence of excuses without any responsibility or accountability is a hallmark of our Adolescent Society.
Tag: Tompkins County
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “must watch TV” #3
Pricking more balloons than are at a memorials for victims who should never have been killed — a scenic overlook on the sick state of our society.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “must watch TV” #2
“Everything is doctrinaire in its own way . . .” [Especially the commercials, and also the scripts, the casting, the direction . . .]
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “must watch TV” #1
Ramping up the satire from smiles; to “Is nothing sacred!” – these blurbs will cut deeper and deeper into the soft underbelly of today’s hypocritical doctrinaire media. Be warned.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “COVID” Road signs
We’re not out of the woods yet — but we’re on the highway. It’s a good time to remember where we’ve been.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Zero population by 2050” Bumper sticker
Zero Population by 2050? You say; “No way!” So what. “It’s unthinkable!” Maybe we ought to think about it.
The Big New Idea: It’s the magic bullet scientific solution to clean up decades of missed opportunities and misconduct – what could be more appealing to politicians.
When will we find out? When it’s too late for scientists to fix their mistake; and too late for politicians to cover it up. Just enough time to wonder why you gave up cigarettes.
[Thanks to the Bunny Rabbits font from GemFonts]
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Reasonable Rhymes XXIII” Road signs
Human nature doesn’t change; and good advice is good advice.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Reasonable Rhymes XXII” Road signs
It’s a sour satisfaction to wipe the smile off of bigotry and see the layers of evil beneath. The real satisfaction of calling it to account and ending that repression and cronyism will take the power of many.
As documented in “Tompkins County and Tammany Hall”; truth, reason, and the good of the people can gain no traction for change. It will take the power of public opinion and a responsible electorate to make a difference.
While it’s not too late; it’s already too late for some.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – 2022: “The Post Ethical Society” Bumper sticker
2022: The Post Ethical Society – It’s just a mechanism covered with human skins.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – 2022: “The elderly demographic” Bumper sticker
“2022: The elderly are no longer a deserving demographic.” — they’re hardly even a statistic.
Just as unborn children are no longer human beings under New York’s Progressive lawmaking; the state’s elderly have been shunted into a position of voiceless helplessness . . . and hopelessness — a caricature of fragility; under the synthetic smile of an indifferent bureaucracy.
While colleges clamor ever more loudly for aging alumni to give and bequeath: how many have reached out to help those alumni in their isolation and disconnection?
The Silence of the Virus – the voice of compassion stilled.