“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Frequent Felons Program”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Frequent Felons Program”

Prisons punish criminals . . . No, prisons rehabilitate criminals . . . no, wait . . . we don’t really know what the intentions of our criminal justice system is. It seems, however, to be much more comfortable with acts of criminals than their victims.

Victims are “in the wrong place at the wrong time” or “put themselves” into that situation.

Our justice system is a long term caregiver for felons; but it “shines on” the victims and their families with a “plea bargain – closure” two-step.

Criminals can turn themselves around and start with a clean slate; but the pain is never erased for the families, friends, relatives, and children of their victims.

Our criminal justice system is not the custodian of our society; it’s just a bureaucratic machine covered in human skins.

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “The Climate Change Companion” Book

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “The Climate Change Companion” Book

I hope to fill out the book more; maybe in a book review or “newsletter.” A travel section listing venues like the “Dead Zone Aquapark –The safe family play destination.” “No prey. No predators. No problems.” Sea Rising Maps for land investments in the new seashore. Articles on Climate-proofing Your Home, and The Climate Change Diet – What Food Items Will Survive or science tidbits like Canada: The New Tornado Alley and GMO on the Grow.

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – Easy Riddles – “The New Society”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – Easy Riddles - “The New Society”

This version of the classic riddle is intended to involve children with thinking about government [a much older and more difficult riddle.]

People can solve riddles and people learn new things; but it’s easier not to — people can control government; but it’s easier to let government do the driving and go along for the ride.

That’s one reason I’m so fond of fables as a learning tool; they can give the knowledge without having to experience the situation.

What about people who don’t even learn from experience? Why do people in a horror movie always split up? [Even when you tell them not to.]

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – Easy Riddles – Solution: “The New Society”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – Undercover Party – “Follow the Bureaucrat”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – Undercover Party - “Follow the Bureaucrat”

These bureaucrat icons will bring a rueful smile to those who have bumped up against the monolithic government while trying to bring about change.

Dealing with people as much as they do; the seasoned bureaucrat or politician can call on a wide range of body language to spice up their flat statements of refusal and dismissal.

These gestures could be combined into a Japanese Folk Dance or a Bon Odori dance for some Bureaucratic or Doctrinal Festival.

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “A Child’s Well Testing Instructions”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “A Child’s Well Testing Instructions”

In the 60s, when the fines for industrial pollution were so small that the polluters never even paused; our government vowed to change all that. They did — they removed the laws.

Nowadays, with Industrial Agriculture polluting the all groundwater that they haven’t sucked dry; what advice does our government give to the rural poor? Mix bottled water with your well water to bring it below the maximum health limit levels. Thanks!

The bottom line is [if they still use “bottom line”] that if you don’t take responsibility for your family’s health, no one will. In their “wrong place at the wrong time” – “fall through the cracks” way; Authorities have more important things to worry about than the people.

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – Form Based Code Living – “Redacted Rehab Facility”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – Form Based Code Living - “Redacted Rehab Facility”

It doesn’t exist. It doesn’t exist. If this was a conspiracy movie; I would have had an accident and bad things would be happening to everyone who saw this document. But it doesn’t exist.

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – Form Based Code Living – “Doctrine • Redoctrination Facility”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – Form Based Code Living - “Doctrine • Redoctrination Facility”

It’s not that far from being given the cold shoulder to being kept on ice. The Elite are always worried about keeping their mound of worldly goods and their position on the dais; and their Doctrine of privilege and hate goes a long way towards addressing those fears.

Using the lowest motives has always had the highest success rate in authoritarian societies; so a self-policing Doctrine that targets a particular group as being the cause of all suffering and misfortune is the ideal tool for distraction and control.

With the “Brain and Circuses” [Indoctrination and Recreation] curriculum established in schools; adults are persuaded they’re too “busy” with life’s struggle to stop and think — that’s a job for the Experts.

The beauty of the competitive “dog-in-a-pit” approach is that the dogs never wonder about who built the pit and Why?

Form Based Code Living is where Satire meets Science Fiction meets “That’s why we never heard from him!” whispers — it’s an intersection that’s just up ahead in Cornithaca County.

Weren’t you just wondering what the Experts say?

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Form Based Code Living”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Form Based Code Living”

Form Based Code planning is the most authoritarian and self-serving method of zoning this side of an imperial palace — everything is ordered for the benefit of those with power and influence.

Cornithaca County’s only city and seat of power is using Form Based Codes to make their “vibrant” community a place of “historic districts,” “parks,” “walkability,” and “single-family homes and row houses” while the same Codes allow building tracts of multi-family housing and a large urban sprawl bedroom-community in rural greenspaces by calling it a “Node.”

They are building a new marina; while we are getting a drug rehab center. Their city is one of the country’s 20 most expensive to live in; so we get the affordable housing mandates.

There are so many buses at their University that it’s difficult to drive a car around; while I would have to walk two-and-a-half miles and stand at the side of a ditch to wait for one of the few that travel the periphery.

Form Based Codes don’t help the needy; they just build walls to keep them out

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Spot the Invasive Species”

“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Spot the Invasive Species”

You could use this as a coloring page, but there’s not much space for coloring; or anything else. Some of the most devastating examples of invasive species are also examples of deliberately introduced species. I found it interesting that some authorities downplay the problem with statements like: “‘invasive’ is a loaded word and harm is difficult to define” and that “Most introduced species do not become invasive” — this is the same as arguing that you don’t usually beat or abuse your kids or that nuclear power plants don’t usually have problems like Chernobyl; the severity of the result should override the frequency of the occurrence as a factor. Human suffering is important.