Old science fiction stories predicted a future where we wouldn’t need machines: our leaders are creating a future where they don’t need us.
In a society where human worth has been replaced with “someone has to take the hit;” Artificial Intelligence is a defensible tool to scrap people for cash.
Is this “face-off” unfair?
Machines don’t play fair — and neither do our leaders.
TDML [Total Daily Maximum Load] sets the maximum amount of pollution bearable without serious consequences; and then tells polluters they should TRY to get below it.
In Tompkins County; one of the biggest polluters was tasked with studying and deciding what that maximum was — immediately following that; the NYSDEC announced the deletion of the Schedule of Compliance, and elimination of the just completed Cayuga Lake Water Quality Model Plan and Outfall Redesign schedules and conditions for that polluter.
If you make evil legal; you can hide your actions behind the law.
The government’s departments of assessment are much bigger these days: there’s so much more to decide — who you are, what you should think, what you can be. . . . They’re the judge.
The government’s bureaucracies are much more powerful these days . . .
Today’s brave new world is the one that terrified us in the 60’s: Technology, society, and education — all twisted to make us conform.
Our limited access information highways only lead to places that reinforce a single belief. The most popular product is everywhere on view. And people are famous for being famous. Your opinions are now delivered to you by using an app.
Do you ever wonder why our world is so sick?
There’s so much more money and power in treating a sickness; than in curing it. None of our ills are accidental.
The current trend is for all professions to become one with the central control.
With Artificial Intelligence fully realized; they won’t need us anymore.
Being in “the wrong place at the wrong time” could describe living in Tompkins County in 2021. Mealy-mouth phrases flow like crocodile tears from the Corporate-Institutional coalition that rules over the people.
While it’s tempting to “fight fire with fire”; we should always look for a better way.
Abraham Lincoln said; “Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?” What a world of human worth and dignity that sentence contains.
Today we are celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life and beliefs — or are we? Martin Luther King, Jr., along with every other revered leader in the fight for equality, believed that equality and human worth are an unconditional and inseparable part of every act towards another human being — while many of those leaders who use his name; betray his beliefs.
“The path is made by walking.” – African Proverb
If you act to repress others; then that is the path that you make.