In a time when actions are disguised with doctrine – and profiling stereotypes, and discriminatory policies are defended as tools of change – knowing what people are not doing and how they are not acting; is a way to pierce the smoke screen of self-righteous arrogance that hides their intent.
If their actions directly contradict the lives and beliefs of everyone we respect as leaders in the fight for human worth and equality — knowing what they’re not; Is enough.
Just being self-righteous and blaming other people has never been enough to make a meaningful change in the world. As is exampled in the 2021 “White House Office of Domestic Climate Policy” report — a government that is still covering up for the polluters; is a long, long way from addressing an already desperate situation. An efficient electric train network for moving people and merchandise is a solution that can be achieved by upgrading and adding to the existing infrastructure. Don’t accept the “we will make a difference tomorrow” foot-dragging of powerful truck-car-union-fuel interests; there may still be a crack in the door: Today. Tomorrow: it will be shut.
Have you ever examined a government policy and found out that it doesn’t make sense? That’s because it doesn’t need to: the ‘reasons,’ ‘causes,’ ‘fact finding studies,’ ‘statistical tables,’ and ‘sociology’ are just backfill – a sales campaign that undercuts any legitimacy or benign intent.
Doctrine is Everything — and everything else is made up to support it.
When VCRs first crested popular entertainment; I used to wander through Blockbuster looking for a movie I wanted to watch. It might seem incredible, but movies that I made time for to watch on TV; were unappealing when I could choose my own time. It was the change in context – or maybe just having the power to choose.
I have no interest in fame – but maybe that’s because the context has changed: it’s no longer based on accomplishment; just social media and marketing — just talking the talk.
In a world with no answers and so many explanations; where COVID-19 was the only thing viral that made a lasting impact, what does this bumper sticker mean? You can choose — or move on to the next rack.
Is too much ever enough? – “that depends” is a reasonable answer; but since when have people been reasonable. In our rococo society; shameless self-promotion has turned into an in-your-face demand for appreciation – and like power; it’s an insatiable appetite. Vanity, vanity, vanity, vanity, vanity.
Like the receding rumble of a thunderstorm before the bolt that strikes your house; or the coffee that spills all over you because you tried to stop it from spilling — bumper stickers are back!
Although the White House Office of Domestic Climate Policy [November 2021] report states; “one ton of methane in the atmosphere has about 80 times the warming impact of a ton of CO2” it removes Agriculture [the biggest contributor of methane] from its pie chart of “2019 U.S. Methane Emissions, By Source” – and breaks its contribution down into non-attributed pie sections — naming all the other sources; and leaving “Natural Gas and Petroleum Systems” as the largest and graphically enhanced culprit.
Agriculture is moved down to Section D, after Coal Mining; even though it releases 5 ½ times the methane – and while stating: “methane is a super-pollutant that disproportionately impacts climate change in the near term” – agricultural regulations are replaced with a request for “Voluntary Partnership” and with “Incentive-based” government funding that is on the same level as stopping your automobile pollution by buying you a new electric car.
Biden’s Global Warming remediation is business as usual with a smokescreen of race and ethnicity: When statistics and corruption come together — it’s a match made in Hell.
This book creates bumper stickers, road signs, advertisements, billboards, posters and re-imagined console and old school videogame screenshots that deconstruct the impenetrable façade of government and government policy making.
Card and board games help promote thinking through interactive play.
Nothing so exemplifies the modern “greater good” fiction as Form Based Codes. It expresses the “community’s vision” – as decided upon by authorities. It replaces neighborly conversations with authoritarian regulations. And it imposes an all-controlling “New Urbanism” Colonialism on the ignorant and unthankful rural communities. New Urbanism Planners replace debate with declarations and people with projections – turning communities into cages for an ordered future.
Their overarching principles are Efficiency, Authority, and Legality — Humanity has no place in their New Millennium mix. Form Based Codes channel Stalin and Mao in creating an invasive doctrine of order and force. It’s a planning so detailed — not even a Tardigrade could survive Transection.
Playing the odds is never a sure thing. When my high school alumni posted a 50th reunion – I was surprised that so many of my classmates were dead: that’s the reality behind the statistical façade. Human beings can only be fit into statistics as numbers, as units – but their reality is as human beings. The reality of life expectancy is that every last minute is important to someone; and no one is disposable on the altar of averages. For a government that has eschewed the teachings of every respected figure of human worth and equality – numbers don’t just represent people; numbers have replaced people. What’s the best way to beat the odds? Change the rules of the game: and bring back Humanity. What are the odds of that happening? Ask the last Tardigrade.