“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – EASY MAZE – “Housing Maze”

EASY MAZE – “Housing Maze”

“Cornithaca County” uses the concept of “US” as a way for the Elite to move their burdens onto the backs of others.

Even though Ithaca is one of the most expensive cities in the country to live in; it retains its neighborhoods of wood frame houses and surrounds itself with large tracts of “conservation spaces;” while pushing thousands of housing units into the meadows and fields of outlying rural communities and creating Urban “Nodes.”

The County’s latest Comprehensive Plan doesn’t mention “urban sprawl” once.

New Word – “Entitlespent”

New Word – “Entitlespent”

I remember a bartender telling me that most of his younger patrons didn’t even come in until after midnight.

That they planned to party into their forties, then get a high paying job with great benefits, and retire in a few years to luxury.

Too many cooks may spoil the broth; but too much dead weight will sink any ship.

What will the captain do when we get too low in the water?

“Bidenstein – Triple-pumped” – Turbo-Accelerated Image Destroyer

“Bidenstein – Triple-pumped” - Turbo-Accelerated Image Destroyer

“Bidenstein – Triple-pumped” is based on the Full Disclosure – Full Exposure concept of ethical and responsible government. Future writings will give examples of how completely and cleverly government constructs its disclosures to ensure that you will look, and think, no further.

Industrial Farming can claim “free range” by cutting openings in their sheds — sheds that the chickens raised within their multitudinous interiors under artificial light are terrified to use.

What sort of “free range” thinker are you?

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Farmzilla” Poster

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Farmzilla” Poster

Just because there’s a COVID-19 pandemic; it doesn’t mean that you can’t be run over by a car, or that polluters won’t increase their polluting.

Industrial Agriculture has smoothly moved from the untenable “stewards of the land” position; to a slightly threatening “we feed the world” declaration.

One Agricultural professor casually opined that the death and destruction in the rural community was just the price that has to be paid for maximizing food production. No doubt Cuomo would agree that this is an “equitable” solution.

It’s all part of Urban Colonialism.

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – Urban Colonialism Poster

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – Urban Colonialism Poster

Like the State’s ethnicity profiling; that demeaningly describes people by what they are not — the New York’s political profiling describes rural communities as; “not of any importance.”

And as the state’s city-centric elite increasingly find uses for rural land; an Urban Colonialist policy is used to marginalize and dispossess the native rural population.

If you don’t make the list; you’ll never be missed.

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – Form Based Evil – Search Room

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – Form Based Evil – Search Room

This is a cautionary takeaway. Doctrine holders have been conditioned to react to any questioning or opposition with denial, entitlement, hate, and verbal/physical violence.

For some; violence is always the first choice.

Keep your lines of retreat clear.

Their doctrine fights the people’s right to think and to be free. They won’t debate but only hate all those who disagree.