“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Looking for a good excuse” Bumper Sticker

“Looking for a good excuse” Bumper Sticker

With the modern Doctrine of privilege and hate; finding an off-the-shelf excuse for doing evil to others is easy — it’s finding an argument for doing good to others that’s impossible.

We’ve come to the Great Divide.

It’s the difference between those who believe in human worth; and those who believe in human use.

It’s a gulf you can’t straddle; and there’s no place to hide — so where do you stand on the Great Divide?

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Who’s Your Grandad” Bumper Sticker

“Who’s Your Grandad” Bumper Sticker

Maybe it’s time to change up the societal role of our elderly citizens. The mild, smiling, grandkid doting role got us no respect, compassion, or vaccine availability when the Pandemic hit.

With the current sense of entitlement; and with the easy and available COVID solution: it’s certain that many inheritances were hastened with human intervention — murder — but this media plum is nowhere to be found.

It’s not smart to play us. They did the lying; we did the dying. This last election taught the lesson that if you’re not confrontational: you’re nothing. It’s time to step out of your AARP boxes and shake up things again.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “We’re all in this together” 2 Bumper Sticker

“We’re all in this together” 2 Bumper Sticker

Nowadays “We’re all in this together” is merely a figure of speech. Every discussion, every media story, every video, every study, every job application, every school lesson, and every law places more importance on our differences than anything else.

Our togetherness is that of people waiting for plane, crossing a city street, or even that of dogs in a pit.

This bumper sticker stresses that being in the same place at the same time, and “the wrong place at the wrong time,” are equally good descriptions of today’s “togetherness.” It’s not a togetherness of compassion — it’s a togetherness of use.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “When does corruption become another background noise?” Bumper Sticker

“A“When does corruption become another background noise?” Bumper Sticker

What used to be “Oh, God!” is now “Oh, yeah? So what.”

People have been educated to accept corruption as a normal part of society and government – to see pollution and the environment as a balancing act – and human death and suffering as quantifiable overhead.

This viewpoint is all very well for those who are nibbling our society to death; but what about the rest of us?

Just because you can’t end corruption, and pollution, and human suffering; doesn’t mean that any amount of it is acceptable. In the real world: A predator doesn’t leave after one bite — if they like it; they stick around for more. For all of it.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Don’t bet on computer weather models” Bumper Sticker

“Don’t bet on computer weather models” Bumper Sticker

Unlike jockeys in a real horse race; weather professionals jump from one weather model, to another one that seems to have a better chance of winning, and then back again — sometimes even straddling the field.

It’s all very scientific; but most of the accuracy comes after the event; not before.

60 years ago; people watched the TV weatherman who had a proven record of accurate predictions. Today science has bedecked a self-righteous certitude with a fog of “complex” patterns and ever-fluctuating “chances of” — that leaves you looking at the weather outside your window an hour before it appears in their “updated” predictions.

So remember; the next time you’re caught with your excuses down: Don’t change your story — just update it.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Are they teaching? Or Preaching?” Bumper Sticker

“Are they teaching? Or Preaching?” Bumper Sticker

Does a uniform curriculum mean uniform thinking? Is an ideology something that our children are not being taught about — but are being taught to accept?

It’s surprising how little we know about what is taught in our public schools; let alone how and with what agenda it is being taught.

Policies are not just presented; they are being embedded in youthful minds.

When powerful unions and powerful interests get together; the result is never for the benefit of outsiders.

Try to find out the “what” and “why” of your child’s “public” education — and see how quickly you’re shut down.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Goodness doesn’t need to hide” Bumper Sticker

“Goodness doesn’t need to hide” Bumper Sticker

There are many ways to hide government activities and wrongdoing besides a plain refusal to disclose information: selective disclosure, purposed government studies, substitution of information, claiming the need to “protect” someone or something, or just by making it too difficult to obtain.

Withholding the information that the people need to debate and decide issues, and denying them the ability to judge the merits of government policies, has become a basic political strategy for authorities who have come to see themselves as rulers and molders of society; rather than representatives.

And although governments may claim to a “greater good” by withholding information from the people; there is no evidence that this is true, or that it is the public good that requires this.

Demand Full Disclosure – Full Exposure of all government policies and statistics.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “New York State of Corruption” Bumper Sticker

“New York State of Corruption” Bumper Sticker

The scariest thing about corruption in New York is its acceptance. It’s the “sophisticated” view that so clearly overlays a landscape of self-interest and fear.

It’s frustrating to see how quickly and completely the county’s educated people distance themselves from any wrongdoing or partisan payoffs in their own community; immediately jumping to another place, another belief, or even another time; always denying the darkness — and yet fearful to stray from the herd.

“Corruption is always with us.” “They’re going to die soon anyway” “And I’m sure it wouldn’t interest anybody – Outside of a small circle of friends”

The New York State of Corruption; it’s a place where even the investigations need to be investigated.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Bureaucratic Misconduct” Bumper Sticker

“Bureaucratic Misconduct” Bumper Sticker

Did you ever wonder what a liberal community would be like with complete top-to-bottom control of government policy; and the ability to enact everything that their beliefs approve?

“Tompkins County and Tammany Hall” uses documented facts and incidents to create an undeniable circumstantial case for the future of our society; and the place of Government and the People.

In a society with the sort of moral compass that lands people a spot on American Greed: The only question is: is there any power on earth that can stop it?

[Excerpts from the book will be appearing in the coming months.]