“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Assistance beats resistance” Bumper Sticker

“Assistance beats resistance” Bumper Sticker

I have a cousin who would always say “don’t force it; get a bigger hammer” — if there was a big rusted bolt on the silo unloader; and all you had was a quarter-inch socket wrench — just put a three-foot pipe over the wrench handle.

Today’s super-powerful government is the “bigger hammer.” It’s the assistance that overcomes any resistance.

Don’t waste time with discussion or with debating your intentions. Things move much quicker if you don’t have to convince the public, or your neighbors.

Just grab a mandate, an entitlement, or an equitability; and smash them into submission. You don’t need a good reason to play a “greater good” card; just a good friend on the committee who will deal you the right hand.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Hope for the best, repair what is worst” Bumper Sticker

“Hope for the best, repair what is worst” Bumper Sticker

I have always thought that “preparing for the worst” was a very passive approach — why tarp the furniture if you can repair the roof?

Abraham Lincoln said: “Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?” How’s that for a repair job.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Necessity is the mother of convention” Bumper Sticker

“Necessity is the mother of convention” Bumper Sticker

Conventions are there for a reason — survival. And while it may seem counterintuitive to some; they promote the survival of the individual. Conventions serve one of our most important needs: they let us know what we can each expect.

“Climate is what we expect. Weather is what we get.”

Conventions help us achieve a stable “climate” of individual human interaction. Is there anything beyond conventions? Yes, maturity. And beyond that is wisdom.

Is there anything beyond wisdom? Give me a break — I’m still working on conventions.

Another remixed proverb from “Cornithaca County.”

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Absence makes the heart go wander” Bumper Sticker

“Absence makes the heart go wander” Bumper Sticker

There’s more than longing; there’s belonging — and needing to be with someone can turn into being with someone else.

It’s perfectly sensible human behavior: but since when has that mattered?

This is another remixed proverb from “Cornithaca County.”

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “The early bird catches the germ” Bumper Sticker

“The early bird catches the germ” Bumper Sticker

There’s something to be said for not being the first: you can pick your space at the party, you know that the ice will hold your weight, and you aren’t the one they name a virus after – you can always learn from experience; especially if it’s someone else’s.

This remixed proverb is from “Cornithaca County.”

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Cover-up the Cover-up” Bumper Sticker

“Cover-up the Cover-up” Bumper Sticker

When New York’s elderly caused Cuomo trouble; they ceased to exist.

The suppression of Nursing Home deaths has progressively led to a non-reporting status of all Pandemic age-related demographics. Since only Race and Ethnicity are important; they are the sole determiner in State vaccination statistics.

Not only are the elderly doing the overwhelming majority of the dying; the pro forma “Sadly, we lost [today’s number] New Yorkers to the virus” announcement hasn’t changed one word — only the number of dead has changed. Since January 13th; more than 7,000 human beings have been added to the total — up a thousand since March.

Sadly, we still have the same Governor.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Conforming is Safest” Bumper Sticker

“Conforming is Safest” Bumper Sticker

The miasma of fear is everywhere; but it’s not due to the Pandemic, that would be a relative comfort — it’s due to political dogma — and if their words don’t scare you enough to conform: there are always sticks and stones at hand.

It’s not surprising in a Doctrine that directly contradicts the lives and beliefs of every revered figure of human worth and equality.

How many of you are fearful to speak out?

Conforming won’t help you. It may spare you the whip — but not the abattoir.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Don’t think of it as Early Release” Bumper Sticker

“Don’t think of it as Early Release” Bumper Sticker

Early Release could be described as an act of arrogance and dismissiveness: the arrogance to decide that they can judge the future behavior of criminals who have already displayed aberrant behavior and committed acts of violence, and the dismissiveness to treat the human beings who suffer from these acts as mere statistical phenomena.

Psychologists claim with “reasonable certainty” these acts will not be repeated, but in the light of a “replication crisis” in the psychological research that underpins these conclusions; what are the real odds? I would bet with a much more reasonable certainty that they won’t be apologizing to the victims if they’re wrong.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Victim’s Fault” Bumper Sticker

“Victim’s Fault” Bumper Sticker

When the evidence is gathered and the suspect arrested; that’s their job. When the plea bargain is made and the sentence reduced; that’s their job. When the criminal is released back into the neighborhood; that’s their job. Being the next victim? That’s our job.