“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Tompkins County: There’s no you in University” Bumper sticker

“Tompkins County: There’s no you in University” Bumper sticker

Cornell is a closed system. They act on; instead of interacting with those around them. We are the materials that they use to create their “vision” — and remake our lives. All roads lead to Ithaca [or Cornithaca] – there is no other way. One Thought – One Taught — One Voice – One Choice: and none of them are ours.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “but ethnicity did the crying” Bumper sticker

“but ethnicity did the crying” Bumper sticker

They were “going to die soon anyway” – “it’s culling the herd” – “it’s the nursing homes” – “they’re wallets” – “it’s due to pre-existing conditions” – it’s politics without ethics or compassion; anything to minimize it and rationalize it — it’s not who dies; it’s what you’re worth in our eyes.

Need vaccine? Fill out the form. Are you an Easter Islander? No? Then just mark “white.” Check the box if you’re “someone who has a sexual fetish for dolls that were made between 1903 and 1908” – it’s good to see we have our priorities straight; as we’re spinning down the YouTubes to an all-chomping reality that doesn’t give a shit.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “A cat can look at a king” Bumper sticker

“A cat can look at a king” Bumper sticker

While “A cat can look at a king” – staring is not recommended. In so many ways; looking too fixedly, too openly, or for too long can drain nine lives quicker than a casino can drain your bank balance.

Not staring means not being noticed – it means putting more attention to what you’re stepping into than where you want to go – it means not getting too clear a look at what you don’t want to see; or shouldn’t.

When we mainly get by in life by not looking at anything or anyone too closely [including ourselves] – doing things “with your eyes wide open” may not be as smart as it sounds.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “The Greater Good is a goal – not an excuse” Bumper sticker

“The Greater Good is a goal – not an excuse” Bumper sticker

Just as you can’t follow someone by walking in the opposite direction – you can’t achieve a greater good any other way than by adding more goodness. This is why Lincoln said; “Important principles may, and must, be inflexible.” – You can only break them by trying to twist them into another shape. It’s a broken world of broken principles; and they both need to be fixed. Now. Now or never.

And if you don’t hear the clock ticking — it’s because time has already run out.