“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Form Basted Thanksgiving”

“Form Basted Thanksgiving”

The form based conventions and convocations of Thanksgiving are everything that Form Based Codes are not – they’re all about people. And when there’s no room left for food and drink; there’s room on the couch for a snooze.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Five workers are scheduled” Bumper sticker

“Five workers are scheduled” Bumper sticker

No matter how much you reduce your expectations in the workplace; you have to keep lowering the bar.

It was an older woman working the grocery store checkout yesterday who told me about the “five workers” scenario – and she wasn’t happy. For her; it meant an unending line of unhappy customers.

The lie that they’re only hurting the company is refuted by the curses of those who have to carry the extra load – those who work for the same disparaged wages; are those who suffer the most. I know this from experience.

Not paying for auto insurance doesn’t hurt the insurance companies; it’s just added to the amount others have to pay – you’re climbing on the backs of those already struggling to keep their heads above water.

Today’s “Workless Ethic” crew blame the lack of a motor; while refusing to help the rowers. They’re shooting at a paper target; when they know that the bullets are going into the homes in back of it . . . and they really don’t care.

If you want to get the lowdown on low-pay shirkers — just ask low-pay workers.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Education 101” Bumper sticker

“Education 101” Bumper sticker

According to the new ABCs: “Authority, Bureaucracy, Conformity” — citizens should wait for the proper experts to get them out of any difficulty; praising them for their salvation, or dismissing the victims as being “in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

Citizens coming upon an emergency should call 911, text a friend to call 911, or post it on Facebook . . . while our “Bread and Circuses” Media tosses another sanitized tidbit into their scheduling abyss.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – Form Based Evil – Scientific Protocols Room

Form Based Evil – Scientific Protocols Room

We all know it – modern regulations protect wrongdoers from accountability. Psychiatrists release patients into the community who do unthinkable things – but neither they, nor their patients are held accountable. Scientists who can’t even introduce existing species into a different ecosystem without disaster – can follow protocols and release Genetically Modified Organisms into the land, air, and water without any comeback for the harm they do. Polluters make use of a “Swiss army knife” of sweetheart deal-making: Voluntary Guidelines, TDMLs, Best Practices, Permit Shields, and a marriage of toothless regulations, best-friend investigating, and zero-fine adjudications.

Protocols are important because they cut people out of the loop – and cutting out any meaningful citizen participation is what today’s quid-pro-quo government is all about.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – Form Based Evil – Diversity Processing Room

Form Based Evil – Diversity Processing Room

Every grain of sand is different; but they’re all grains of sand.

Diversity was defined as “the quality or state of having many different forms, types, ideas, etc.” But in our government’s “Diversity” – forms and types are all regulated, conforming, and limited – and there can only be one thought. In the diversity of the natural world; our government is a monoculture.

Henry Ford said, “Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants, so long as it is black.”

This is what our government would call: “freedom of choice.”

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – Form Based Evil – COVID Room

Form Based Evil – COVID Room

“Exposed!” It could be the headline for a Pandemic story that can’t be written. Compassion is no longer a human feeling; it’s a marketing tool. Say “pandemic” and “compassion” together and a picture of a smiling health care worker or first responder appears. Victims are no more than an object — the messy collateral of societal policies and problems.

The elderly did the dying; and there was silence instead of crying. Instead: the Media lamented that kids had to stay at home and play Xbox and text each other; rather than visit their friends and play Xbox and text each other. Our elderly are looked on as an object of the past – put on a display shelf – and minimally cared for to retain their catalog value. They’re a piggy bank waiting to be smashed open — so don’t live too long and disappoint the kids.

Somewhere in our money-changing maze; bureaucrats are gleefully rubbing their hands together and thinking of all the Social Security payments they can keep. But that’s another story . . .