The form based conventions and convocations of Thanksgiving are everything that Form Based Codes are not – they’re all about people. And when there’s no room left for food and drink; there’s room on the couch for a snooze.
Tag: Tompkins County
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Five workers are scheduled” Bumper sticker
No matter how much you reduce your expectations in the workplace; you have to keep lowering the bar.
It was an older woman working the grocery store checkout yesterday who told me about the “five workers” scenario – and she wasn’t happy. For her; it meant an unending line of unhappy customers.
The lie that they’re only hurting the company is refuted by the curses of those who have to carry the extra load – those who work for the same disparaged wages; are those who suffer the most. I know this from experience.
Not paying for auto insurance doesn’t hurt the insurance companies; it’s just added to the amount others have to pay – you’re climbing on the backs of those already struggling to keep their heads above water.
Today’s “Workless Ethic” crew blame the lack of a motor; while refusing to help the rowers. They’re shooting at a paper target; when they know that the bullets are going into the homes in back of it . . . and they really don’t care.
If you want to get the lowdown on low-pay shirkers — just ask low-pay workers.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Education 101” Bumper sticker
According to the new ABCs: “Authority, Bureaucracy, Conformity” — citizens should wait for the proper experts to get them out of any difficulty; praising them for their salvation, or dismissing the victims as being “in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
Citizens coming upon an emergency should call 911, text a friend to call 911, or post it on Facebook . . . while our “Bread and Circuses” Media tosses another sanitized tidbit into their scheduling abyss.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – Form Based Evil – “Stone the Unbeliever”
“Everybody must get stoned” Bob Dylan sang; and certainly, today’s societal climate favors gang violence against those who don’t conform – with the hate disappearing back into “normalcy” as quickly as it appears.
“Well, they’ll stone you and say that it’s the end – Then they’ll stone you and then they’ll come back again”
A lesson learned: there is no end to the constraints of conformity – and no constancy will guarantee your safety.
[If you are wondering why the bloodstains are the same in all these images: Form Based Evil is unchanging.]
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “It’s not a government; it’s a gang” Bumper sticker
Tompkins County’s elitist clique doesn’t need the public as a source of legitimacy; just a source of funds and goods. Like the bandits in Kurosawa’s “Seven Samurai” – they see the surrounding communities as a means of comfortable living; just due for just force. An air of intimidation hangs over every County policy making decision.
What sort of people are these gang members? In a county where the people overwhelmingly believe that the government is corrupt and self-serving — County leaders publicly declare their unbroken service to the people and their commitment to public participation. It’s a measure of their power – and their hypocrisy.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Whenever they talk about ‘everybody’” Bumper sticker
Talk, talk, talk: in one chapter of the upcoming “Tompkins County and Tammany Hall” – I deconstructed one of their “goodness and togetherness” policy statements to arrive at the following core description:
“This plan is based on values that reflect the principles of the County’s Legislature. In serving this agenda; We will choose the burdens to place on individuals and businesses, and decide which individuals to restrict in their choice of where and how they can live.”
Not only does it reveal the authoritarian bones in their body of policy making — it showed a mocking and dismissive humor in the way that it was clothed.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rural people have no representatives” Bumper sticker
Yes, we certainly have tax collectors; and tax assessors — and they each ramp up the taxes in turn – while pointing to the other.
The assessment department claims that they are saving us money by keeping the number of employees down – but gather many times the amount of that “savings” from the blanket assessments their reduced size “forces” them use.
Representatives do nothing; can’t do anything; won’t do anything to help rural taxpayers — they just explain “why” this is happening; and feel content. It’s like a doctor diagnosing a gunshot wound without worrying about treating it – rural representatives seem to feel no need to actually help the people they “represent” – they have “larger issues” [more important people] to be concerned with.
In a meeting of unhappy rural taxpayers; the head of the assessment department announced that next year they would reassess homeowners on the other side of the county – Really? I wonder what he’ll be telling them . . .
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – Form Based Evil – Scientific Protocols Room
We all know it – modern regulations protect wrongdoers from accountability. Psychiatrists release patients into the community who do unthinkable things – but neither they, nor their patients are held accountable. Scientists who can’t even introduce existing species into a different ecosystem without disaster – can follow protocols and release Genetically Modified Organisms into the land, air, and water without any comeback for the harm they do. Polluters make use of a “Swiss army knife” of sweetheart deal-making: Voluntary Guidelines, TDMLs, Best Practices, Permit Shields, and a marriage of toothless regulations, best-friend investigating, and zero-fine adjudications.
Protocols are important because they cut people out of the loop – and cutting out any meaningful citizen participation is what today’s quid-pro-quo government is all about.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – Form Based Evil – Diversity Processing Room
Every grain of sand is different; but they’re all grains of sand.
Diversity was defined as “the quality or state of having many different forms, types, ideas, etc.” But in our government’s “Diversity” – forms and types are all regulated, conforming, and limited – and there can only be one thought. In the diversity of the natural world; our government is a monoculture.
Henry Ford said, “Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants, so long as it is black.”
This is what our government would call: “freedom of choice.”
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – Form Based Evil – COVID Room
“Exposed!” It could be the headline for a Pandemic story that can’t be written. Compassion is no longer a human feeling; it’s a marketing tool. Say “pandemic” and “compassion” together and a picture of a smiling health care worker or first responder appears. Victims are no more than an object — the messy collateral of societal policies and problems.
The elderly did the dying; and there was silence instead of crying. Instead: the Media lamented that kids had to stay at home and play Xbox and text each other; rather than visit their friends and play Xbox and text each other. Our elderly are looked on as an object of the past – put on a display shelf – and minimally cared for to retain their catalog value. They’re a piggy bank waiting to be smashed open — so don’t live too long and disappoint the kids.
Somewhere in our money-changing maze; bureaucrats are gleefully rubbing their hands together and thinking of all the Social Security payments they can keep. But that’s another story . . .