“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – Sanitizing Nanotechnology

Sanitizing Nanotechnology

Dr. Frankenstein has gone mainstream – nothing can stand in the way of Science; there are no ethical or moral boundaries; no value of human life or real concern for repercussions that will stop it. Science has taken a cue from the “One Thought” Doctrine of today; and written their own mantra: “I can; therefor I will.”

When the extinction of the human race is in the balance – what can you weigh it against? And how could you trust anyone that thinks that they can?

Even if we tried to stop the progress of our runaway adolescence – the breaking distance extends far into the future; and we’ve still got our foot on the gas pedal.

Gray Goo may be a low order of probability — but we seem obsessed with rolling the dice.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “The Deadly Mandate” Movie poster

“The Deadly Mandate” Movie poster

A not-very-good monster movie from the 50s – became the monster that has eaten our future. “We’ll pay it as soon as our tax refund comes in.” We’ve chopped up the house to keep the fire pit going . . . and it’s starting to rain. While we get further behind every year; we’re going to close the gap? Don’t count on the politicians — it would be easier to stop the Tectonic plates from sliding.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Invaders from SARS” Movie poster

“Invaders from SARS” Movie poster

“Keep watching the sky!” The Pandemics aren’t over – this is just the beginning. We’re throwing genetic material around with the gleeful thoughtlessness of a lunch-room food fight . . . and with the same lack of concern for missing the target. Oceans of antibiotic-resistant pathogens are spilled, dumped, sprayed, and injected into the environment by the billions of gallons from the cesspits of factory farms – where genetically modified pigs and chickens are packed by their thousands in sheds – the perfect environment for genetic reassortment, recombination and mutation.

Can you do anything? Yes – don’t be a “circle of blame” statistic; make sure you keep stocked up on masks, gloves and sanitizers; food and water and cleaning products, flashlights and batteries, towels and toilet paper [you remember that last time?]; keep your car gassed, your deadbolts locked, your gun loaded, and your guest list restricted — and keep watching the sky!

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Voyage to the Flotsam of the Sea” Movie poster

“Voyage to the Flotsam of the Sea” Movie poster

People may not “re-ingest” plastic containers, as I suggested in another piece, but they seem able to swallow any policy or marketing idea that suits their own convenience.

Nothing that is being done will have any meaningful impact on the actual problem — reality has proven extremely resistant to the policies and efforts that have been applied.

The reality is that people are unwilling to make the choices that have to be made – and with so many extinction causing routes and vehicles: will it be “Fire and Ice,” or “Not with a bang but a whimper”? “Hi-Diddle-Dee-Dee.”

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Global Warming is what we expect” Bumper sticker

“Global Warming is what we expect” Bumper sticker

“Global Destruction is what we get.” Global warming is always portrayed as something that will change your life; but not something that will end it. Science’s pride of always “leading us forward” leaves no room for the humility of stocktaking.

People often quote: “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing” – but the original saying was; “A little learning is a dangerous thing” — and with all their knowledge; “science” seems to have learned little from the disastrous miscalculations and unintended consequences of their past actions.

From “The Discovery of Global Warming”: “1986 Meltdown of reactor at Chernobyl (Soviet Union) cripples plans to replace fossil fuels with nuclear power” and “2011 Reaction to nuclear reactor disaster at Fukushima (Japan) ends hopes for a renaissance of nuclear power” – the dismissiveness of the loss of human life and million-year environmental recovery shown in this scientific historical viewpoint is only overshadowed by the certain repetition that the use of existing and future reactors would bring. How can “New and improved” protocols help? New and improved protocols were in place at Chernobyl and Fukushima — they’re plugging holes that are only discovered when they leak. Disastrously.

“Global Warming” may require more than sunscreen – you may need a submarine.