“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – Doctrinal “THEM!” Pressbook Cover

Doctrinal “THEM!” Pressbook Cover

A target — like many others in today’s Doctrinal Demagoguery. It’s interesting that the “One Thought” doctrine holders have aggressively claimed to have debunked the “No Irish need apply” belief – only to have their own claim debunked through a simple internet research of period reference material. In addition to the negative “No Irish” declaration – a number of want ads preferred to use a “Protestant only” affirmative – like an early form of today’s discriminatory “Affirmative” techniques.

You could write a book on the number of truisms that are no longer spoken of, the wisdom turned to face the wall, the back-door bigotry that has been given the run of the house.

The ongoing academic “replication crisis” finds that more than a third of the studies in some fields cannot even be reproduced by independent researchers: many are due to contemporary incompetence; but a growing number of studies are deliberately made up to support a political agenda.

There’s a pretty good chance that the “study” Doctrine holders are citing is just a lie they want you to buy — damaged goods; selling damaged goods.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – Doctrinal “THEM!” Pressbook – page 2

Doctrinal “THEM!” Pressbook – page 2

The names have been changed to “THEM!” to protect the innocent. Names? If you can only think of one; then you are ripe to be one of the mob.

The form is based on the 1954 movie pressbook – with the “kitchen sink” Type Direction that adds an element of exploitation publicity fun to the graphics. I know my graphic senses will be itching to redesign the “paste in the blank space” pre-press, board style; but it’s nostalgic too.

How many remember “mechanicals”? I worked for a magazine that was too cheap to pay for proofreading the Galleys – so I had to correct it on the drawing board with a razor blade and a T-square: but then; my current budget only allows for Photoshop CS5 – when InDesign would be more fine.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “The Crime Machine” Movie Poster

“The Crime Machine” Movie Poster

What is Science Fiction? If I were to go by the billboards and TV spots; the threats of global warming, drug addiction, and violent crime are nothing compared to the evils of tobacco — if you’re not robbed, killed, or struck down by an unprecedentedly large hailstone on your way to buy a pack of cigarettes.

The victim is the lie that you’ve gotten away with. The victim is only a walk-on part. The victim is only the wrapper; the criminal is the candy, the product.

People used to gasp at the irrational logic of “no more than ten to twenty million killed, tops”: welcome to 2022 . . . and the future.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – Sanitizing Corruption

Sanitizing Corruption

Saying corruption is cosmopolitan is like saying “may you live in interesting times” – it mellows with distance: a lot of distance. Corruption is dangerous because it attacks the foundations of ethics like a virus; replicating and replacing precepts with profit. While you could argue that a little corruption can make doing some good possible; it makes “goodness” impossible. Corruption is not selfless; and the easy answer is all too often the handle end of a knife. Would you kill this person to save this one? Would you destroy one person to profit another one? Would you kill a million people to profit this one? Corruption always has the same easy answer: “As long as I’m the one.”

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – Sanitizing Criminal Activity

Sanitizing Criminal Activity

Another article bemoaning parolees released into the community; and telling the “other side” of the story — but that’s just what they’re not doing: the other side of the story is about the victims, the victim’s family, and the victim’s friends.

The people living in neighborhoods that have been picked for the “formerly incarcerated” to “re-enter” don’t have the same detached viewpoint as reporters who see predatory behavior from the outside; debating sociology and the circle of life concepts; while driving through a game park with the windows rolled up.

The figures of recidivism they quote; all too often stand for the additional deaths of children, of fathers and mothers, sisters and brothers – and for the pain of loss and injury that can only be dealt with; never disposed of.

You’ve probably heard of the term “fake news” – maybe we need to add “fake justice.”

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – Sanitizing Proverbs

Sanitizing Proverbs

We’re living in a time of “remakes” – but also a time of revisions. Rather than debating their disconnect from the principles and people we most respect and revere; Doctrine holders try to coopt and corrupt those principles, and our memories, by claiming they have the same aims; and the same views — but you can’t follow somebody by walking in the opposite direction.

Claiming that you are following Martin Luther King, Jr’s path to “Justice” through discriminatory and racist policies, carried out in secret; is an insult to his life and his fight for human freedom and individual worth.

Lincoln’s belief that: “Important principles may, and must, be inflexible” directly contradicts modern Doctrine’s teachings: that principles can be twisted, bent upon themselves, and broken in the service of that Doctrine. It’s interesting to see how the doctrinaire History Channel avoids and “revises” Lincoln’s beliefs.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – Sanitizing Oppression

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – Sanitizing Oppression

Order and Form are the great levelers of Government — putting government above the People. Putting everyone in their place; and keeping them there: is basic to modern Doctrine.

The “Information Cul-de-sac” funnels people; through “preferences,” “favorites,” “search engine rankings,” and “links” – into the same dead end of uncontested views and hate-mongering: constantly reinforcing a hierarchy of thought and action.

People, places, beliefs, and even facts; are keyed to a hate-reflex through group pressure and operant conditioning. Cellphones send “pleasure-of-conforming” messages like rats in a Pavlovian experiment.

The Non-conforming are “sanitized.”

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – Sanitizing Global Warming

Sanitizing Global Warming

Institutionalizing disaster. We don’t learn from our mistakes; we incorporate them. The New Normal is all about normalizing the results of disastrous choices – the cost of doing business as usual. You could call it “Sanitizing Satan”: the righteous evil of our times.

And it’s not just the usual suspects: the corporations, the special interests, the “rich” – our government plays political “patty cake” with wrongdoers; while sanitizing the issue and their own refusal to protect the people and the environment. Here’s how NOAA cleverly sanitizes the unabated and unchecked Agricultural pollution that feeds and maintains the ”Dead Zone” in the Gulf of Mexico:

“It begins innocently enough. Farmers use fertilizers to increase the output of their crops so that we can have more food on our tables and more food to sell to the rest of the world.”

Even if it began “innocently enough” – it’s been continued and increased knowingly for decades. “Farmers use fertilizers” “so that we can have more food on the table” – It’s our fault; they did it for us – “food to sell to the rest of the world” they’re helping the Economy, and feeding the world. A great job of sanitizing in 35 words.