“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “The Ship of State 2022” Bumper sticker

“The Ship of State 2022” Bumper sticker

A neighbor of mine once said: “I’m the only one around here that works.” There was a lot of truth in that.

Our government not only takes from the present, and takes from the future – but with their attack on Social Security: they want to take from the past as well.

Our economy is just a scam: a ‘take gold from seawater’ scheme that will leave us all rich – if we started out even richer.

My neighbor is retiring now: and watching everything he worked for being sucked down into a sinkhole of government policy.

Our government needs to escape the scene of their crimes; “Tell the workers to ‘row harder!’”

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “COVID in the USA” Bumper sticker

“COVID in the USA” Bumper sticker

Compassion is just another piece of “we are the change” vaporware. The only rising tide our elderly felt during the Pandemic; left them struggling to keep their heads above water – or not.

Our “Better Nature” has become a fold-out brochure – no more than a media promo spot – a marketing tool. And not to be confused with “truth in advertising.”

The elderly are “Victims” — and in our stratified future: you can’t change your label.

Only our government can do that – or not.