Wouldn’t it be nice to have some reinforcing “Burma Shave” style road signs back on our highways? Like the “eatery” exit signs — food for thought.
Tag: Tompkins County
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “I’d like a second opinion” Bumper sticker
“You have to remove my heart to save my life? I’d like a second opinion.”
Not only are today’s social policies radical; they’re radically irrational – and it would be smart to get a second opinion from some trusted sources:
Abraham Lincoln:
“Important principles may, and must, be inflexible.”
Frederick Douglass:
“Right is of no sex, Truth is of no color”
I think I’ll go with them.
What about the “Greater Good”?
“How many legs does a dog have if you call his tail a leg? Four. Saying that a tail is a leg doesn’t make it a leg.” — Abraham Lincoln
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Scientists are from Pluto” Bumper sticker
“Men are from Mars. Women are from Venus. Scientists are from Pluto. Is it even a planet?” These days: people they don’t ask; “What is your sign?” – They ask: “What is your category?” And those who create the categories have great power — the new alchemists who will reconstitute the perfect society from base metals of discrimination and oppression.
The power of Doctrine to put people in their place . . . from now on.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “The tale does wag the dog” Bumper sticker
Stories, stories, stories – it’s the stories that hold sway today; and reality is cut to fit the narrative. But where do these stories come from?
One way to find out is to search the “target,” instead of the story. A story is repeated widely; but the originators have a more substantial agenda than mere maliciousness: They like to include a support structure for their tale – and are usually high in the search engine rankings.
And sometimes you can tell the maker’s label by just the cut of the cloth.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Secrets”
Secrets. Government is run by secrets. We could speculate; but maybe that’s what we’re supposed to do. Making up answers is a cloud that best hides secrets.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Permanent tattoos and wash-off ethics” Bumper sticker
It’s all in the packaging. You can always sell the appearances – if the contents don’t matter.
When people are famous for being famous – does being famous for your achievements mean you’re successful?
2022: The year when people are willing to do anything – for not all that much.
The ethics? They come off with the wrapper.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “BIGOTRY – written in letters too big to see” Bumper sticker
It’s not a foreign language — so stop relying on the subtitles to learn what’s going on.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “What’s cool about natural disasters?” Bumper sticker
“It depends on how you see the world.” There used to be a morality question: “If you could press a button; and kill a million people on the other side of the world; and get a million dollars – would you do it?”
This simple “yes/no” scenario would be met today with equivocation: “It’s only about 1/8000th of the world’s population – 0.013%.” or “There are too many people anyway” or [maybe even more dismissive] “A million dollars isn’t worth that much today.”
It seems that the only objection to making a deal with the Devil: is not getting the best deal possible.
If in the setting of Science; People don’t have much importance – why are we letting Science decide our future?
Science and politics are what people do; Art is what people are — maybe we should remember that.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Patching Policies”
Since government policies are created for the benefit of government; and not the people – the resulting deaths and other non-functional defects merely require a patch to keep the policy machinery rolling.
Enacting an expensive policy is argued on the basis of the welfare of the people; while a policy designed for the welfare of the people is rejected on the basis of its expense.
And our government’s need for secrecy cites your right to privacy much more forcefully than it defends your right to live.
If you want to change that “you don’t know politics” smile politicians keep in stock – just suggest/demand that their policies be radically changed – or entirely done away with!
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – Storytime Remix: “Frikin’ Little”
They make Reality shows about subsistence living; but if they made one about substance living – it would be as interesting as watching paint dry, and as stupid as pushing paperclips into an electric outlet. And you’d need to keep replacing the cast: They don’t live many seasons – once you subtract the rehabs.