“The World According to Doctrine” — What is the worth of public excuses?

“The World According to Doctrine” — What is the worth of public excuses?

Our leaders take a strong public stand to promote Social Policies that treat people as a commodity without individual human worth – while refusing to reveal the harm done to those that these policies target for discrimination. It’s like signing a blank check for evil.

By their acting, and excusing those actions, in a way that directly contradicts the lives and beliefs of everyone we respect as fighters for human worth and equality: they have nonetheless reveled their agenda. You can’t follow someone by walking in the opposite direction.

Full disclosure – Full exposure of all government policies and statistics. If there was nothing to hide; it wouldn’t be secret.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Based on actual names”

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Based on actual names”

So much is made up these days; that there is really nothing left but words and names: and the very useful images that they have acquired over time.  When our government coins “new” terms to sell discredited social policies: they’re just following the same useful path that corporations have used for decades: buy trusted brands and use trusted catchwords to add legitimacy to their own inferior product. At the time when the USDA decided to take over organic certification; they marketed it to national agribusiness’s – not as being good for the environment, or healthy for the consumer – but as being a trusted brand in the public’s consciousness – and proceeded to certify industrial farming as “organic” – with the same lack of regulatory concern and oversight that has kept the Dead Zone unabated into its third decade: and the same suppression of evidence that has kept industrial farming communities unhealthy for generations. All that’s left is the public’s trust – in something that no longer exists.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “does not unlawfully discriminate”

“The World According to Doctrine” — “does not unlawfully discriminate”

The more things change: the more evil stays the same. Whether it’s “Equitable,” “Inclusive,” “Affirmative Action,” “Separate but equal,” or “No Irish need apply” – it’s an Evil that endlessly recycles: made with 100% bigoted materials.

“The World According to Doctrine” — First Nations videogame: Ethnic Conflict

“The World According to Doctrine” — First Nations videogame: Ethnic Conflict

“First Nations” weren’t the first to defend what they had; and take what they wanted – everybody did: and they were no less, and no more to blame for doing it. The debunked “Noble Savage” myth has been recycled in a “hate beats debate” New Millennium style of doctrine — teaching that “First” means “better” and “more deserving” in their mealy-mouthed and pussyfooting historical indoctrination.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Under New Management”

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Under New Management”

Everything must be passed for suitability. The pretense of caring has never been more artificial than in the post-recent-Pandemic days. It’s almost as if what we used to consider humanity has been reimagined in its most Darwinian and mechanistic terms. Compassion is a tool for acquiring; and empathy is a fable for the reality impaired. Art, music, and literature are no longer a means of creation; but of replication – a mechanism covered with human skins. One Thought – One Taught – One Voice – One Choice. One — and then none. “Under New Management” and “Going Out of Business” in a single generation.   

“The World According to Doctrine” — Forbidden Proverbs

“The World According to Doctrine” — Forbidden Proverbs

Like those gooey sweet sayings out of the mouths of calculating users – today’s “togetherness” is no more than a tool to get closer to their victims. Is there a school system that doesn’t rip the last penny from the elderly on fixed incomes – that doesn’t express concern for their hardship; and gratitude for their generosity. As in the scene where Woody Allen brings Marshall McLuhan to the movie line: wouldn’t we all enjoy seeing the insincere smiles of those “kid friendly” manipulators publicly wiped off their faces – exposing the shark teeth in hiding.

“The World According to Doctrine” — Education Flow Chart

“The World According to Doctrine” — Education Flow Chart

Education has become a clerical job: and all the bureaucracy has come along with it. No more fellow students saying: “You got a hard teacher!” – everybody grades the same, everybody teaches the same, every student is taught to conform. Even “diversity” is limited to that which conforms to a strict definition and even more restrictive categorization. We’ve created a society of Skinner Box kids; where thinking “out of the box” is strictly “off the shelf.” How can you meet the challenges of the future when you can’t even meet the challenges of the present? In a pass/fail reality – we’ll just have to do the last millennium all over again. “Bring out your dead.”

“The World According to Doctrine” — New Bell-shaped Curves: “The Flatline”

“The World According to Doctrine” — New Bell-shaped Curves: “The Flatline”

Tompkins County’s Progressive government has progressed beyond democracy and representation — to a flat-out dictatorship. Citizens get to attend “Public Hearings” – where they get to hear what will happen; and submit comments – that are filed and stored and then discarded to make room for more comments. Take it or leave it; there’s nothing you can do about it. “Questions? . . . We’ve had trouble with you before. . .