“The World According to Doctrine” — “What percentage of unborn children . . ?”

“What percentage of unborn children . . ?”

What percentage of unborn children support abortion?

If you could take a poll: I suspect the answer would be 0%.

Politicians have created an election time poll to show that 74% of New Yorkers approve of abortions.

If 74% of New Yorkers polled thought that their politicians were corrupt: would those politicians still run for office?

What if a poll showed they thought those politicians should be executed?

What if 74% of those polled thought that you should be executed?

Evil is a road that goes down and never comes back up — and we’ve already lost sight of home.

“The World According to Doctrine” — New Normal Videogame Screenshots – “Pandemic-proof HOA”

“Pandemic-proof HOA”

How sure is sure? If one person doesn’t follow instructions – or only pretends to follow them — what can happen? With pandemics – with emerging technologies – with invasive species – with terrorists . . .

How can you prevent everything from collapsing? That was a question. How can you prevent everything from collapsing? “No plan is an island.”

“The World According to Doctrine” — New Normal Videogame Screenshots – “Anxiety that Won’t Go Away – Won’t Go Away”

“Anxiety that Won’t Go Away – Won’t Go Away”

It’s a world that is driven by fear – even if it’s only the fear of not getting your share. Anxiety coats everything like volcanic dust – slogging and pushing through the day to reach yet another day. If only you could sit down and rest — but then the dust would cover you up – another lump in the dust — another dream undone.

“The World According to Doctrine” — New Normal Videogame Screenshots – “Mono-Droids”

New Normal Videogame Screenshots – “Mono-Droids”

It’s a Vision of the Future that’s already here. On every topic; they have an opinion – the same opinion – the same phrases – it’s what they’ve been taught. And if you contradict them – they get angry.

OCD: Obsessive-Compulsive Doctrine – scrubbing over and over — till it’s down to the bone.

“The World According to Doctrine” — New Normal Videogame Screenshots – “New Normal Government”

“New Normal Government”

The Pandemic not only gave government greater powers – it let them shut out the public in many ways. And unless we force those doors back open: they will remain shut. It’s a government that continues to disrespect us in the coming elections – running hot button campaigns; and stirring in the hate and fear to a mindless frenzy.

In the sunset of our society – all thoughts of human worth are submerged in a mad scramble to grab everything we can. We are dogs in a pit; who never stop to wonder who built it — or why.

“The World According to Doctrine” — New Normal Videogame Screenshots – “An explanation is as good as a solution”

“An explanation is as good as a solution”

Don’t worry – there’s no cause for anxiety. No matter what’s wrong; there are experts to tell you exactly what it is.

Our modern Social-Political Society knows everything about its every problem — but doesn’t have a clue how to solve them.

“The World According to Doctrine” — The New Normal – “The Next Pandemic”

The New Normal – “The Next Pandemic”

Was the 2019 COVID-19 bad for you? What about future Pandemics that don’t discriminate by age? Pandemics that strike to the heart of a millennial age-driven smugness? Viruses like MVD’s hemorrhagic fever: that dare to not care who is there.

Our runaway science – stirred into an already overcrowded and disintegrating world has had the World Health Organization uttering pandemic warnings for decades.

In the aftermaths of increasingly common and globally disastrous Climate Change “events” – prevention of pandemics may be impossible – and the cure: “anyone’s guess.”

Time to Google those kid-size hazmat suits.