“The World According to Doctrine” — “You Are Here” DNA Locating Service

“The World According to Doctrine” — “You Are Here” DNA Locating Service

If you can’t beat them – get behind them. How many Nazis disapproved of – and hated – Nazism? Is it a crime to want to survive?

Tens of millions today are hiding behind an unquestioning silence — hoping they’ll never hear that knock on their door.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Find the Differences 5”

Find the Differences 5 (745 downloads )
“Find the Differences 5”

Fifty-six framed pictures are hung on the wall: but the decorator isn’t happy with the way they look . . . After the frames have been rehung – eleven of the pictures have changed. Can you spot them? Download, print and mark the differences between these two pages of images – a solution page is included.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Politicians always take the easy way”

“Politicians always take the easy way”

When you don’t lead by example: it’s those whom you designate that clear the minefield. And when your power base is “quid pro quo” – your biggest risk is stopping the flow.

That’s why politicians see our welfare in a special way: Business as usual – instead of taking care of business.

“The World According to Doctrine” — Undercover Party II: “Flip the Switch”

Undercover Party II: “Flip the Switch”

You can smell the fear. It’s not just the fear of reprisals – it’s the fear of not getting a place in the life boat.

It’s a Doctrine so far above the law; that there is no law anymore. “Unaccountable, unapproachable, and unconcerned” describes the policy makers of our disposable society.

In a world that’s unraveling on all fronts: the pandemic, climate change, drugs, overpopulation, adolescent violence, emerging technologies – only those worthy will find a place in the “ark” — shortly before it’s sucked into a black hole near Geneva.

“The World According to Doctrine” — Bigoted Billboard: “There is no ‘us’”

Bigoted Billboard: “There is no ‘us’”

They might as well put it on a billboard: Every policy is an affirmation of divisive and discriminatory power brokering – autocracy and acquisitiveness; cloaked in an “emperor’s new clothes” of fearful acquiescence.

Like most of today’s fraudulent policies: they’re sold on their mechanisms; not their results – convincing an uneasy public that they need to give over all their freedoms to protect themselves from oppression.

Then one day the policies disappear — and their freedoms along with them.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “If we can’t get together to combat it . . .”

“If we can’t get together to combat it . . .”

Looking past the carefully quantitative scenarios of our weathered future – we can glimpse the plummeting quality of life it will bring.

When whole sections of the earth become too hot, too drought afflicted, and too far under water for human habitation: how will we share what’s left.

Post-apocalyptic movies depict a family doing anything to survive — what happens when it becomes a billion families?

Our hot, greasy pan will be sizzling — just sprinkle the water and watch it dance!