What does “sustainability” mean? It’s too useful and too usable a word not to have been stretched out and fancied-up to cover everything possible. “Sustainable” sounds like a solution – even if it’s not. “Sustainable” is keeping to the same story – as long as the facts don’t come out. “Sustainable” is taking less fish – in a massive dying off. “Sustainable” is doing too little – until it’s too late.
Like children puzzling out words in a book and pretending they wrote it – today’s scientists seem unable to grasp the scope of what they are unleashing – or admit their inability to control or stop the process.
Emerging technologies more dangerous that any nuclear proliferation are being put into the self-serving hands of politicians and corporations – and proclaimed to a rhetoric-reassured public.
Scientists are betting the end of our existence against the achievement of fame, fortune, and the realization of their dreams – knowing that no matter how the cards fall — only they will ever collect.
Alarmist? Scientists have discovered everything from microplastics in our blood to accelerating Climate Change.
Are these recent discoveries? Or are they unable-to-keep-the-secret-any-longer admissions?
Shamelessly self-promoting: science has become a platform for the destruction of humanity – a tool of the rich and powerful; selling a vaporware future to an anxious population.
In our unhappy world: Science keeps piling block on top of block; to make a bigger pile of blocks – with the singlemindedness of a Scrooge – never admitting the need for responsibility and accountability – and with no epiphany in sight.
Science has traded the adult wisdom of fallibility; for the adolescent; “Look what I can do!”
Many modern Studies aren’t intended clarify or educate – they’re intended to obfuscate. Today’s academic “replication crisis” investigations show that the results cited in many recent studies cannot be relied on; and many are just made up.
All of a sudden; “you can’t say for sure” – and every supporter and beneficiary blasts out this new report to the exclusion of reason or debate.
It can’t be a coincidence that so many studies have appeared to patch the holes in Doctrinal assertions – maybe they could do a study on that — or a Monty Python sketch. . .
“You made your bed; now die in it.” This updated expression more truly defines the unpleasant results of government policies world-wide; than all the official hand-outs people are scared not to believe — believe it. The recent heat wave in Europe is nothing compared the severity and frequency of climate change disasters coming in the next few years – tumbling into migration, starvation, poverty, global unrest – and “conflict.”
Our government is possessed of a megalomania that allows them to think that they can solve life-and-death problems by just repressing the little people, while still keeping their “business as usual” cronies flush and plush. Extinction-risking emerging technologies are the “magic bullets” offered by their scientific counterparts to make this happen. They’re gambling the world — but if they can’t have it; no one can.
Like the Sorcerer’s Apprentice; modern science takes great pride in its knowledge of how to make things happen — without the wisdom of learning how to make them stop.
Our world is like a giant Jeopardy show; with scientists guessing at the answers – in a competition for fame, fortune, and the realization of a dream.
And if they guess wrong, and it’s Game Over for all of us — at least they got their time in the spotlight.
Is it a coincidence that we now have world destroying technologies at the same time we have technologists eager to play with them? And it gets worse . . . we have authorities willing to overlook any consequence — as long as they can solve desperate problems; while keeping business as usual.
Black holes, Nano-technology, Gene splicing – “why not.”
The human race has become a plaything for those in power; and as for the world — if they can’t have it; no one can.