“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “End of Days” Activities Text

“End of Days” Activities Text

When you read those articles that discuss the advantages and disadvantages of new technology, and the risks inherent in low-probability, high-impact outcomes from emerging technologies: there is one important factor that never seems to be included — the benefit to scientists.

With the prospect of fame, fortune, and the realization of a dream in the balance; these scientists are the last people you can expect to give an impartial and unbiased opinion; and yet they are frequently the decision makers in our “should we risk it” scenario building.

Human nature is not something that only operates outside the boundaries of Science. And the Scientific Method demands that they be allowed to experiment to the end limits of their instrumentality – and beyond. Even if it’s the End of the World — They were the ones who brought it about. Megalomaniacs and Doomsday devices operate all the more freely behind today’s Selfless Science façade.

Not with a bang but a Nobel Prize winning obsession.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Kafka Kraze AI Maze”

“Kafka Kraze AI Maze”

In a British sit-com – an employee is helped to simulate illness with a bit of soap for his mouth, and an onion to put under his arm. When it doesn’t work; he gives back the onion and is told he should have peeled it first. “You didn’t tell me” he says. “Well it’s common sense ain’t it” he’s told “nobody puts an onion under their arm without peeling it first.” That’s how I feel about Artificial Intelligence.

When my land-line deteriorated into a loud hum and a hash of static; I shouted through the noise to a computer for a service appointment – and then two computer follow-up calls to confirm that I still wanted the appointment – and nobody showed up. So I went through it all again. And again. Then an online “chat” where I was told that all the appointment “tickets” had been somehow erased; received assurances – and nobody showed up. I made more attempts – wasting at least 8 hours in all.

Then one day; the hum and static suddenly stopped – a technician called and said he had fixed a problem that he found on the line – he was never informed of a complaint.

The hum in the line has started up again — should I try to make an appointment?

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Zero Compassion by 2050” Bumper sticker

“Zero Compassion by 2050” Bumper sticker

“It’s nice to have a goal.” I read an article about “Global Warming” influenced weather of 2021 that ended by saying: we have the technologies in place to end our destructive activities – all we need to do is “scale them up.” But isn’t that the whole problem?

We help others – all we need to do is scale it up. We have love – all we need to do is scale it up. We’ve climbed hills – all we need to do is scale it up.

Maybe it would be more practical to scale things down: to scale down hate, and corruption, and greed, and indifference – to have a goal.

“Zero Compassion by 2050” does have one strong point — it’s doable.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “It may be groundbreaking . . .” Bumper sticker

“It may be groundbreaking . . .” Bumper sticker

“It may be groundbreaking; but is it marketable?” It’s not what you do – but how you market it that’s important. The groundbreaking idea may not be yours; but if you market it quicker, better, or to a wider market – it will become yours in the minds of the many.

On the other hand; an idea that is not marketable is unlikely to get any traction these days – “Responsibility” is the duty that other people have to take care of You; or the accountability they have to You for their actions — the idea that You have to pick up any burdens that are not for your own benefit, or that You have a fault that has not been made by someone or something else; is outmoded and unmarketable.

What used to be Society and Community; has turned into a self-serving “Celebration of Our Lives” paradigm.

When you are perfect; it’s everyone else who must change — maybe that’s why people don’t make those New Year’s Resolutions anymore: there’s no market for humility.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Government Cleanup Campaign”

“Government Cleanup Campaign”

As you can see in this “Rise of the Evil Ones” graphic: if we don’t clean up government; they’ll clean us up. It’s not so big a step from an unresponsive government; to one that responds in ways that may terrify us. Some people just won’t conform . . .

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Hardwired for Hate”

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Hardwired for Hate”

Hardwiring reduces flexibility – but it greatly increases the reliability, and ease of replacement. The “hater” can become the “hated” with just the flip of the switch.

That is why governments love hardwiring – whether it’s Form Based Codes, or a new regulatory statute: we supply the power, and they supply the control.

Our Societal Abattoir is funneled by “Social Justice” — and the only way out is through their knives.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Chernobyl wasn’t an accident” Bumper sticker

“Chernobyl wasn’t an accident” Bumper sticker

“Chernobyl wasn’t an accident: It was a safety test.” Leaving aside other interpretations: If the reactions of authorities to the Chernobyl disaster is a test of our future safety – How safe are we?

Let’s look at the “fallout” — in spite of the willful disregard, and deliberate subordination of safety; to monetary, political, and personal agendas – both before and after the “incident”: nuclear proponents insist on labeling it an “accident” – implying that on one is to blame.

The very fact that such a thing can happen; shows that it can happen again — unless you can change human nature.

Some scientists now believe they should contemplate the possible risks from advancing a technology: “wherein slight permutations of initial conditions can lead to unforeseen and profoundly negative downstream effects, for which the technologist and the new technology’s proponents must be held accountable.”

In their worst-case scenario: all life on earth may be extinguished; but someone will be held accountable afterward? — Is that the best that science logic can do?