“Rise of the Evil Ones” – “BLOG BOG”

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – “BLOG BOG”

The vaccine is being distributed by New York State authorities with the same dismissive attitude that is a hallmark of their policy making toward the elderly and the unborn.

Age may be the demographic that defined the state’s COVID-19 fatalities; but it’s politics that defines who gets the vaccine.

A teacher who has already received the vaccine told me that he had been networked with the time vaccine appointments would be available, and on the dot used his smart phone and laptop together to grab a slot before they were gone in minutes. How can the county’s rural elderly; without prior notification, many without computers, good vision, and even the ability to move their fingers without pain, compete with that?

I have been unable to schedule a vaccine appointment for my mother, and called the County hot-line: I told them she was 97 years old, with heart disease, high blood-pressure and a pacemaker — they replied: “Everyone thinks they’re at risk.”

The sum-total of their help was to say: “Just keep trying.”

Now you know what happened with the Nursing Homes.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Social Distance Boxing”

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Social Distance Boxing 1”
“Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Social Distance Boxing 2”
“Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Social Distance Boxing 3”
“Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Social Distance Boxing 4”
“Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Social Distance Boxing 5”
“Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Social Distance Boxing 6”

“Social Distancing,” like any other of today’s social programs, is a formalization that does nothing to change people’s attitudes. Millennia after “The Sun and the Wind”: governments still rely on force and form as the builders of society. Even in the face of victory-defeating restrictions; these two boxers still only think of defeating each other.

“I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.” ~ Abraham Lincoln

It’s ironic that such a forward looking social outlook is the product of “old school” thinking.

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – “BurglerTime”

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – “BurglerTime”

In an old Monty Python sketch; a man was told that unfortunately he had chosen the “no-pay” insurance policy, which was a great deal if he never had to use it, but . . .

Our Criminal Justice System best fits the people that never have to rely on it — it works just great in no-crime areas.

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – Form Based Evil – Power-ups Corrupt

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – Form Based Evil – Power-ups Corrupt

“Power-ups” can instantly add to the life, armor, strength or score of a videogame player — but how does this apply to the games politicians have created?

Uttering a “shopping list” of cant phrases; politicians have blown apart the barriers that protected us from oppression, and designed a game where all differences can be treated differently.

These societal “power-ups” can add markedly to the wealth and perceived worth of those people who are designated; by their race, their gender, or by any categorization or profiling that politicians decide.

They make the rules.

Power-ups can be given — but they can also be taken away.

Maybe the rules will be changed to produce a game you have no chance of winning.

They’ll decide.

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – Form Based Evil – Code Enforcement

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – Form Based Evil – Code Enforcement

The Code of Form Based Living [like that of criminal organizations] uses the threat of punishment to keep its people in line.

This compliance to a rigid doctrine makes the actions of non-conforming individuals stand out like weeds in a gravel path.

All that’s left is suppression . . . or removal.

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – Form Based Evil – Counselling Room

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – Form Based Evil – Counselling Room

The essence of Form Base Codes is conforming to the rules — and those rules come from the top.

The activities behind Tompkins County’s policy making, like those behind the walls of Lubyanka; are unseen and not to be talked about.

There’s an authoritarian anxiety in the county that is palpable.

Pretend you’ve been turned . . . or you’ll be burned.