“Bidenstein – Triple-pumped” – Turbo-Accelerated Image Destroyer

“Bidenstein – Triple-pumped” - Turbo-Accelerated Image Destroyer

“Bidenstein – Triple-pumped” is based on the Full Disclosure – Full Exposure concept of ethical and responsible government. Future writings will give examples of how completely and cleverly government constructs its disclosures to ensure that you will look, and think, no further.

Industrial Farming can claim “free range” by cutting openings in their sheds — sheds that the chickens raised within their multitudinous interiors under artificial light are terrified to use.

What sort of “free range” thinker are you?

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Farmzilla” Poster

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Farmzilla” Poster

Just because there’s a COVID-19 pandemic; it doesn’t mean that you can’t be run over by a car, or that polluters won’t increase their polluting.

Industrial Agriculture has smoothly moved from the untenable “stewards of the land” position; to a slightly threatening “we feed the world” declaration.

One Agricultural professor casually opined that the death and destruction in the rural community was just the price that has to be paid for maximizing food production. No doubt Cuomo would agree that this is an “equitable” solution.

It’s all part of Urban Colonialism.

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – Urban Colonialism Poster

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – Urban Colonialism Poster

Like the State’s ethnicity profiling; that demeaningly describes people by what they are not — the New York’s political profiling describes rural communities as; “not of any importance.”

And as the state’s city-centric elite increasingly find uses for rural land; an Urban Colonialist policy is used to marginalize and dispossess the native rural population.

If you don’t make the list; you’ll never be missed.

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – Form Based Evil – Search Room

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – Form Based Evil – Search Room

This is a cautionary takeaway. Doctrine holders have been conditioned to react to any questioning or opposition with denial, entitlement, hate, and verbal/physical violence.

For some; violence is always the first choice.

Keep your lines of retreat clear.

Their doctrine fights the people’s right to think and to be free. They won’t debate but only hate all those who disagree.

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – The “No Appointments Available” Mobile

The “No Appointments Available” Mobile

Even though 84% of New York’s COVID deaths were aged 65 years and older, and its administration is being investigated for its handling of Nursing Homes during the pandemic; State and County governments still treat these vulnerable elderly residents as a demographic not worth bothering about, or even bothering to mention.

New York’s only “Vaccine Demographic Data” is displayed on their website by the percentage of “Race & Ethnicity” and categorized by “region”: without any population data to distinguish between New York City [42% of the state’s population], and the Southern Tier [2%] — there is no age related information disclosed for any of those vaccinated.

I searched 28 of Cuomo’s “NYS Coronavirus Updates” from 1/13 to 2/23 for “elderly” and “senior”: and the only found the mention of “senior residents” receiving vaccine; as part of a NYCHA vaccination program.

On February 20th; we received a mailing from the County’s Health Department telling the “over 65” population to get vaccinations; but stressing that they do not block or make appointments, they won’t put you on a waiting list, or give advance notice of clinic locations, and advising that you should “ask a trusted family member or friend to assist.”

The motto on the envelope read “Aging Better, Together”

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Camo-Origami Level”

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Camo-Origami Level”

Patterns can reveal; but they can also be used to hide. Sometime the focus is kept narrow so that the larger pattern cannot be seen.

“Full Disclosure – Full Exposure” is a policy that has the promise of allowing the public examine all the factors that should be involved in any government decision making process.

This idea is not welcomed.

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Cuomo Kong”

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Cuomo Kong”

“How many legs does a dog have if you call his tail a leg? Four. Saying that a tail is a leg doesn’t make it a leg.” — Abraham Lincoln

Have you ever noticed how the more dictatorial the government; the more beneficent the terms they use to describe their self-serving policies?

Today’s autocrats use the pretense of a “greater goodness” to cover the undeniable evil of their actions. And an insistence that they are leading us to a better place; to calm our uneasiness that their path leads in the opposite direction.

You don’t need anyone to tell you the right thing to do; but you need a government to tell you that it’s wrong to do it.

How many legs does an inequitable and unfair government policy have to stand on?

Two. Yours.