“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “A house that is built on excuses” Bumper sticker

“A house that is built on excuses” Bumper sticker

There are no fundamentals in government anymore; no foundation of human worth or meaningful participation: Just excuses that this new house will be sturdy enough to shelter us all – and road we are taking will lead us there in the end. How long will it be before people start to question: “when will we get there?” How long before they dare?

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “It’s later than you believe” Bumper sticker

“It’s later than you believe” Bumper sticker

Fifty years after 1971: and people don’t worry about what they think – they worry about what they believe. If you think for yourself: you’re probably counselled by past experience. But if you’re counting on the warnings of people who do your thinking for you — you’ve got a problem: they can always get another you.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “No Justice – Just excuses” Bumper sticker

“No Justice – Just excuses” Bumper sticker

The most important criteria for government experts and contractors is how well they work with the government. Our taxes pay for the Town lawyers who defend the government from the encroachment of the public into the policy and decision making process. Always and everywhere; the minimum possible legal participation is the maximum allowed to the people.

Everywhere in Tompkins County: self-serving policies and draconian regulations are enacted – without the involvement or oversight of the people — while contracted experts gain career longevity by showering the residents with carefully worded misrepresentations and intellectually dishonest paradigms.

At Town and County policy “hearings”; the public is informed that they can’t ask questions, and should be grateful they can sign up to speak for two minutes; because they don’t have that legal right.

County Authorities [and their cronies] don’t worry that a thoroughly cowed and conforming public will burn down their money-changing halls and establish a radical form of society: representative government.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Top of the heap – Bottom of the barrel” Bumper sticker

“Top of the heap – Bottom of the barrel”

Abraham Lincoln said: “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” Tompkins County government is overwhelmingly liberal and Progressive: so it is the ideal place to study the character of its adherents — While the universal opinion of area residents is that County government is corrupt and there is no meaningful public participation; authorities continue to do as they please. There are no rules – only tools. The character: Self-serving, Authoritarian and Corrupt. Tompkins County is leading the way to our “Lies and Lubyankas” future.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “The New School Nazis are socialists” Bumper sticker

“The New School Nazis are socialists” Bumper sticker

It’s a distinction without a difference. Shocking? Look around.

It’s like the story about the frog: If it’s put in boiling water; it jumps out – but if it’s put in cool water, and you gradually increase the temperature – you can boil it to death.

If you took a snapshot of today – hate targeting people by race, gender, and age – repressive measures by an increasingly authoritarian government – how would you match it up in history?

Concentration camps and Gulags? They’re just a few years away. You can say; “No it’s not.” — but where is your evidence? Where is the social underpinning of love and human worth? Love and compassion would never do what is being done — only hate.

It’s your actions that define you – not your ideological excuses.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “BEFORE you go out” Poster

“BEFORE you go out” Poster

It’s not surprising how easily COVID posters can be converted to cautionary proclamations. The restrictions used for the eradication of a virus and the eradication of an idea are very much the same.

And a vaccine performs a similar function to indoctrination in building resistance to an outside influence.

Even the policies that emphasize isolating and tracking down the source share a common fear: loss of control.

“For the greater good” is the tyrant’s slogan of the new century. While the “good” is something that the people can decide among themselves, this “greater good” seems to require an overarching and overriding control — and the kind of authority that glories in it.

“Full Disclosure – Full Exposure” of government policies and statistics leads to thinking. Thinking leads to questioning; and questioning leads to freedom.

How much does your government like to be questioned?