“Devil take the hindmost: don’t look back.” It’s a good survival policy for today’s society. “Whew! That was close . . . I better stop daydreaming and pick up the pace.”
Tag: Rise of the Evil Ones
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “The only transparency . . .” Bumper sticker
“Tompkins County: The only transparency is the thinness of their excuses.” It’s filling in the form without accountability for what you write. It’s giving an answer . . . without answering the question. It’s the throng that cheers the dictator; because someone might report that you weren’t there – or didn’t cheer. The reasons for their policy decisions carry the weight of no alternative. Who cares what you believe.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Stop pretending you care” Bumper sticker
“Stop pretending you care.” Some bumper stickers have more right to be on bumpers than others. Wouldn’t you like those behind you to see what you so often would like to say? In this world of shameless preening and self-promotion; the pretense of caring is one of the most insulting poses.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Grand entry egos” Bumper sticker
“Grand entry egos – and back door ethics.” This pretty well sums up the attitude going around today.
Their “equitable” façade hides the entrance to a back room of bigotry and bias. A secret that everybody knows; but no one speaks of. If you want to be vilified at the Celebration of Themselves; just quote Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., or Frederick Douglass.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Lossy Abattoir”
The New Urbanism is Urban Colonialism; and their “vibrant” urban centers require that rural lands be used for food production, recreation, and the unwanted.
They’re bringing civilization to the rural natives by destroying their cultural matrix and setting them adrift in an elitist society that has no use for them; except as consumables.
In Tompkins County’s Cornell led planning “vision” of the future — the county’s rural communities will no longer exist.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Playing a game of taking and giving” Bumper sticker
“Government: They’re playing a game of taking and giving – that will end by their taking it all.”
While our government won’t take ownership of their mistakes or their responsibilities — they want to take ownership of everything else. All roads lead to Cornithaca — and to the new Reich.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Farm Harm” Gameboard
“Farm Harm” is a game where you are constantly moving forward, and moving backward; but never getting anywhere — like the mothers in “Ikiru”: passing from one section to another and ending up back where you started. That’s if you use the Bureaucrat’s Rules – if you change the rules; you can change the outcome.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “No one left behind.” Except . . . Bumper sticker
“No one left behind.” Except the elderly, those living in rural areas, and anyone of the wrong race, gender, or ethnicity. Like the “people beloved” titles of dictators; the titles of our government’s policies, and policy actions, are a mockery of human freedom and worth — a lie that remains unexposed out of fear.
The most blatant discriminatory actions are carried out while claiming that “discrimination is against the law” – and with a “diversity” that speaks, not to ethnic mix; but to ethnic purity.
It used to be said that an elephant was a mouse “built to government specifications” — it can now be said that our government’s social policies are: “discrimination in pursuit of a goal – that would have already been reached if they had not enacted those policies.”
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “You’re not playing the System . . .” Bumper sticker
“You’re not playing the System; the System is playing you.” Like all good hustlers – politicians coax their marks into wagering it all – and then they run the table.
You’ve given them the power: so they can give you what they promised – or not. It’s their choice. Is there a term for “street stupid”?
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Honesty may be the best policy” Bumper sticker
“Honesty may be the best policy – But it was never enacted by Congress.” With all the transparency of a transparent liar – our government leaders say whatever it takes to get their plans approved.
While every court show warns of the dangers of cosigning a loan – Congressional leaders forge our names on every credit acquisition scheme they can think of — and lead us by throwing the first stone. . . and getting in the first lifeboat.