When you don’t lead by example: it’s those whom you designate that clear the minefield. And when your power base is “quid pro quo” – your biggest risk is stopping the flow.
That’s why politicians see our welfare in a special way: Business as usual – instead of taking care of business.
You can smell the fear. It’s not just the fear of reprisals – it’s the fear of not getting a place in the life boat.
It’s a Doctrine so far above the law; that there is no law anymore. “Unaccountable, unapproachable, and unconcerned” describes the policy makers of our disposable society.
In a world that’s unraveling on all fronts: the pandemic, climate change, drugs, overpopulation, adolescent violence, emerging technologies – only those worthy will find a place in the “ark” — shortly before it’s sucked into a black hole near Geneva.
They might as well put it on a billboard: Every policy is an affirmation of divisive and discriminatory power brokering – autocracy and acquisitiveness; cloaked in an “emperor’s new clothes” of fearful acquiescence.
Like most of today’s fraudulent policies: they’re sold on their mechanisms; not their results – convincing an uneasy public that they need to give over all their freedoms to protect themselves from oppression.
Then one day the policies disappear — and their freedoms along with them.
We live in a profit-driven-policy world; where Doctrine has replaced cause and effect in political and social decision making. In order to validate and legitimize unequitable and unrealistic “using and taking” – Academics and bureaucrats are creating categories for each of us — scouring away our individual worth; and then erasing our memories by “washing” them with doctrinal studies and reimagined facts.
The ferment of their greed has wrecked our navigable society – and a fearful population crowds the shores in search of any salvageable fragments — until the unthinkable tsunami washes away everything.
So what if we’re supposed to be intelligent – when we become as extinct as any dinosaur.
Maybe our technology will allow us to chronicle our demise; and preserve it and codify it so future extraterrestrials can learn about our civilization and its achievements – and how stupid we are were.
It’s always easiest to claim what people believe when they are no longer around to refute you.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that. That old law about ‘an eye for an eye’ leaves everybody blind. Forgiveness is not an occasional act: it is an attitude.” — Martin Luther King Jr
If you would honor his life; then honor his beliefs – not the policies of those who make a mockery of his beliefs.
Being much more of a sinner; I sometimes imagine him coming back and not just speaking out – but “bitch-slapping” those who claim that goodness can only be achieved through doing evil.
It’s a “takers” society – and as the events, policies, and media hype swirl around us: there’s an erosion of individual worth and the “work ethic” – and all ethical conduct.
Rewards come; not from the persistence of hard work – but from the persistence of a fox circling the henhouse. Life is not the opportunity to achieve – but the opportunity to take.
The legitimacy of our government is no longer based on ethics; but on the profitability of its policies. Politicians and experts have swelled their egos to become the deciders:
They are reshaping the world — and some people are just excess population.
If you want to experience the futility of our future: attend a Public Hearing.
What fools we are! Our taxes pay for the lawyers that advise our local governments on how to legally minimize or eliminate public participation in the decision making process – and all the new regulatory programs enacted – like Form Based Codes and Nine-Point Plans – remove the public from any authority or oversight; even in the most radical and far reaching policy decisions.
It’s hard to blame the public for being apathetic; when the sole result of attending public hearings is the legitimizing of decisions that are anything but public mandates.
Publicly presenting your thought out and well-documented criticisms; to a Town Board that approves the policy within seconds of your speaking — is like voting in an election with only one candidate.
The sound of one hand clapping? It’s meaningful public participation.