“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “You make the path by talking” Bumper sticker

“You make the path by talking” Bumper sticker

At the same time they denounce other people for their actions; today’s elitist policy makers only “talk the talk” and “talk the talk” — all the while insisting that it’s their excuses that validate their acts.

Like the joke: “We lose money on every piece we sell; but we make it up in volume” — these bigots claim that all their evil actions will add up to good in the end. Really?

Then why won’t they let us check their math?

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – Cornithaca Road Signs – “I’ll Decide for You and Me”

“I’ll Decide for You and Me”

In Tompkins County; Legislators don’t represent the people: they represent themselves. Elections are seen as a validation of their personal viewpoints, and a mandate to make their beliefs the basis of all policy and law. And in a county where it is widely accepted that there is no meaningful participation or government oversight by the citizens; you can imagine what a dog-and-pony-show these elections are.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Turning Ethnic Mix” Bumper Sticker

“Turning Ethnic Mix” Bumper Sticker

New School Nazis? Yes, and it can be demonstrated, but here’s a simple analogy:

You have three children, but you only praise two of them; you tell everyone that you meet how smart, caring, and wonderful they are. The third child is recounted very differently: stories about him show how he must be instructed and corrected by his other two siblings, and focus on his shortcomings and bad behavior.

Does this action lead to a perception of equitable worth? Or negative stereotyping?

Make this simple experiment:

Take television commercials [or TV shows, or books, or reporting, or conversation — it’s everywhere] and divide them into categories by race, gender, ethnicity, and belief: then note the differences in how people are profiled in each category.

New School Nazis?

Proof 1: These actions deliberately create negative and discriminatory stereotypes.

Proof 2: A refusal to change these actions — always defending and excusing them as permissible behavior.

Proof 3: [You don’t want to know; but I’m afraid you will find out] Violence — they can bash you with their hate; but they can’t shame you with their love, because they don’t have it in them. Love would never make the choices they do.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Going to hell in a handbasket” Bumper Sticker

“Going to hell in a handbasket” Bumper Sticker

It’s not a knock on recycling; it’s a knock on “glossy thinking” — the kind of thinking that glosses over the difficulties.

While recycling is a worthwhile concept; re-using is preferable. The original plastic milk carriers had many generations of re-use because they were constructed for every-day use. Today’s flimsier store reproductions crack and break and are usually thrown out instead of recycled; the original carriers were scavenged whenever they were spotted. A plastic tub pickle container may be too thin and permanently branded to inspire re-use — but double the thickness, and use easily removable branding, and they would have a long life for plants, projects, or a multi-use container.

There should be a preference to use materials that are the least harmful if they are not recycled, and the least environmentally harmful/energy wasteful to manufacture and recycle. Glass would be preferred material.

Isn’t something made of 50% Recycled Materials with 100% of the material produced being recycled; better than made of 100% Recycled Materials with 50% of the material produced being recycled. Less recycle preach and more recycle outreach — human nature prefers easy — if people have to drive 15 miles to recycle a couple of flashlight batteries; how likely are they to end up in the garbage instead?

Ran out of space, but words are 100% recyclable.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Pride cometh before the fool” Bumper Sticker

“Pride cometh before the fool” Bumper Sticker

Pride is one of the best handles that users can grab a hold of to lead you around by the nose. Pride, even more than respect needs to be earned by your actions. The price of your Pride was to support and promote government social policies of race and gender bias.

You can’t compartmentalize bigotry: like PCBs; the smallest part can pollute the biggest body. That’s why every revered figure of human worth and equality was unalterably opposed to any discriminatory policy for any reason.

Your Pride is being used as another tool to destroy anything that may oppose their rise to power: and to bring another area of human belief and activity under their control. When you are no longer needed; and booted out into the cold; don’t cry that you were betrayed — for it was your pride that has betrayed us all.