“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – New Disorders

New Disorders

Due to the upswing in the psychiatric healthcare market; a number of new disorders have been identified:

Bi-telemarketer: a “boiler room” disorder characterized by periods of making annoying telephone calls, and periods of killing co-workers.

Bi-furcated: a complex and heretofore unrecognized disorder researchers describe as “six of one, half a dozen of the other.”

Bi-Postal: in this “mood swing on steroids,” the victim’s behavior alternates between killing fellow workers, and killing customers.

Bi-bye: a Criminal Justice disorder in which the negative outlook on life created by incarceration causes felons to murder when paroled.


Seek and you will find – You will find inevitably what you are looking for if you go about it in the right way. Politicians know the truth of this – You will always find enough work to mandate a new bureaucracy; even if you have to create it.

I had a number of learning disabilities in school; but I didn’t know it — my papers would come back with “careless” in big letters. I thought they were just problems to overcome and move forward. It was no big deal. Many problems in life are just part of the fine print.

Not everything comes out of the same box. Not everything comes out of a box. Not everything.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Fuel efficient vehicles” Bumper sticker

“Fuel efficient vehicles” Bumper sticker

Being owed the right to do bad has always been one of the strangest aspects of entitlement. These days it’s gone mainstream.

Liberals embracing profiling and discrimination have become everything they once claimed to despise. The “60’s child” was about loving and giving; today it’s all about hating and taking.

Our leaders have become the very beast that they claimed to be protecting us from . . . and it’s hungry.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Everything’s transparent on the surface” Bumper sticker

“Everything’s transparent on the surface” Bumper sticker

Tompkins County’s pretense of transparent government is as thin as the smile on a billboard. Its inner workings are as opaque to citizen oversight; as its intransigent decision making is to citizen opinion.

Impassive faces and utterances of sound Doctrine echo the fears of the oppressed – while downcast eyes and conformity are the price of economic survival.

If you think this is melodramatic: then why are people scared to speak out?

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “The root of Equitable is expediency” Bumper sticker

“The root of Equitable is expediency” Bumper sticker

The “Equitable” label exists as a convenient and practical way to mask the political agendas and payoffs that riddle our government’s every policy.

Cuomo’s talk of equitable distribution of COVID vaccines went hand-in-hand with New York State’s reporting of vaccinations by race and ethnicity only. It was only in March of 2021 that age based data began to be revealed.

Did this mask the diverting of vaccines from the state’s elderly to a less at risk, but more important political demographic during those months? What do you think?

My letter to the NYS Dept. of Health requesting the age based vaccination data for previous months went unacknowledged.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Justice: It’s just another name for self-interest” Bumper sticker

“Justice: It’s just another name for self-interest” Bumper sticker

“Justice” is a word that politicians and bigots both love; because it gives them so much wiggle room.

You can take Martin Luther King Jr.’s belief that the only road to equality was by never practicing discrimination; turn it 180 degrees, so that the only road to equality is through a policy of discrimination; and claim on his birthday that you are honoring his life’s fight for “Justice.”

Today’s “Justice” is bigger than the people — but too small to embrace their dreams.