“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Cornithaca County is so corrupt . . .” 11

“Cornithaca County is so corrupt . . .” 11

“Their Code of Ethics is fill in the blanks.” Cornithaca County’s ethical oversight is like a temporary spare — it’s used to distance participants from the scandal until permanent repairs can be made. There is no clear-cut case of misconduct that cannot be side-stepped or misunderstood into non-action. And if you persist; they just stonewall.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Biden’s Global Warming Policy” Bumper sticker

“Biden’s Global Warming Policy” Bumper sticker

“Is like cleaning the storm drain in the shadow of a tsunami.” Government policy is all about talking big; and getting tough with the little people. Expect to see “Global Warming” Taxes — that will be used to pay off the big polluters. [They’re called “incentives.”]

It’s not panic that causes the most deaths in house fires — it’s lack of panic.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Sustainability” Bumper sticker

“Sustainability” Bumper sticker

“Sustainability: Having the same standard of living as your parents.” As much as this may inform the modern social conscience – it equally informs those who are teaching it to our children – we can’t move into the future; if you’re trapping them in the past. A rich “standard of living” is a poor substitute for quality of life.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Colonies on the moon” Bumper sticker

“Colonies on the moon” Bumper sticker

“Fly me to the moon; earth’s rolling dead among the stars – we’ll destroy it all, including Jupiter and Mars.”

Maybe the current trend isn’t about space exploitation — maybe they’re abandoning ship.