“Tompkins County and Tammany Hall” – Whose Plan is this Anyway? Part 2

Even though it’s tempting to believe the County’s rhetoric that all local plans become the county plan – their every effort is exerted to ensure that the County’s plan becomes all local plans. To a hierarchical government that sees themselves as rulers and deciders – a foot in the door is only the first step to the head of the table.




Part 2

While the Tompkins County Comprehensive Plan claims that it’s only a guide; and readily admits that “New York State clearly places land use authority in the hands of its towns, villages, and cities” – the reality of the County’s methods undercuts its pretentions of local community control and ethical good faith.

New York Town Law § 272-a – Legislative findings and intent:

“The legislature hereby finds and determines that: Among the most important powers and duties granted by the legislature to a town government is the authority and responsibility to undertake town comprehensive planning” and that town government should “assure full opportunity for citizen participation in the preparation of such proposed plan”

But the Tompkins County Comp Plan urges local municipalities renounce that duty and to deny citizens participation in planning:

“Often, local municipalities have a full workload simply addressing the important day-to-day issues of local concern. Planning at the county level can help municipal governments address key issues of concern that cross municipal boundaries”

In the face of the legislative intent set out in New York Town Law: How can the County ethically even make such a suggestion?

More and more; Tompkins County Legislators are taking an aggressive “hands on” approach to making their own “vision” – everyone’s reality:

Tompkins County Action Items Adopted: 2019

Action Item #1 “Undertake direct outreach and engagement with municipalities several times each year to identify opportunities to assist their implementation of projects that would directly promote the policies of the Tompkins County Comprehensive Plan”

Their own words and actions demonstrate the County’s intent to be much more than a “guide” – and are part of an ongoing attempt to coerce local municipalities into renouncing their lawful responsibilities — and to gather all power and control into the centrality of vested interests.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “The New School Nazis are socialists” Bumper sticker

“The New School Nazis are socialists” Bumper sticker

It’s a distinction without a difference. Shocking? Look around.

It’s like the story about the frog: If it’s put in boiling water; it jumps out – but if it’s put in cool water, and you gradually increase the temperature – you can boil it to death.

If you took a snapshot of today – hate targeting people by race, gender, and age – repressive measures by an increasingly authoritarian government – how would you match it up in history?

Concentration camps and Gulags? They’re just a few years away. You can say; “No it’s not.” — but where is your evidence? Where is the social underpinning of love and human worth? Love and compassion would never do what is being done — only hate.

It’s your actions that define you – not your ideological excuses.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “We’re all in this together” Said the Predator to the Victim.

“We’re all in this together” Said the Predator to the Victim.

“We’re all in this together” Said the Predator to the Victim. Politicians talk about “Our Elderly”; the way Factory Farmers talk about “our cows” — proud about how much they can be milked; before they’re slaughtered for the remaining profit. It’s all about turning the corner on the circle of life.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “We’re all in this together” Said the Centurion to the Galley slaves.

“We’re all in this together” Said the Centurion to the Galley slaves.

“We’re all in this together” Said the Centurion to the Galley slaves. Politicians love to talk about “us” – and avoid breaking it down to “you.” In the words of the Grateful Dead: “We can share what we got of yours ‘cause we done shared all of mine” — And I don’t mean your money – I mean the attitude that you’re better than other people – that you can judge others because of who you are; and who they are – the deep self-satisfied feeling that comes from being owed something because of your race, gender or ethnicity . . . that’ll do to start with — Wooooo — I’m feeling better already. Don’t burst the bubble.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Cornithaca County is so corrupt . . .” 14

“Cornithaca County is so corrupt . . .” 14

“The Will of the People is in probate.” . . . and the Legislators have appointed themselves Executors. In a county whose “vision for the future of the community is based on a set of principles that reflect the values of the community as expressed by the County Legislature” – there’s no doubt about where the “vision” and all the decisions are coming from.