“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Victim’s Rhyme” Road Signs

“Victim’s Rhyme” Road Signs

People are tired of being victims of the overflow from our societal cesspits. If it’s so hard to live without victimizing other people – how can so many people manage to do it?

Our prison policy is like rehabilitating an alcoholic by locking them in a bar with other alcoholics; who force liquor down their throat. Forcing criminals to adapt to a criminal society and then compassionately releasing them back into the community is the sort of ill-logic that breeds in our hot-house bureaucracy. Isn’t it time to open the doors and let the reality in?

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “The role of the victim” Bumper sticker

“The role of the victim” Bumper sticker

Just as the bereaved are sometimes put in the position of comforting those who are uncomfortable talking to them – victims can be put in the position of justifying their own “victimology” – even if they’re already deceased.

But then; they play such a small part in the Criminal Justice System – do they really need to?

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Tompkins County is so stratified” Bumper sticker

“Tompkins County is so stratified” Bumper sticker

“Tompkins County is so stratified: You can’t just kneel – You have to grovel.” It’s not just that the County’s policy-making elite think so much of themselves; it’s that they think so little of everyone else. Their pretensions can be laughed at – but their pronouncements must be feared. A fool with a gun; has a gun.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “New York State’s Agriculture Policy” Bumper sticker

New York State’s Agriculture Policy” Bumper sticker

When it comes to Agricultural Pollution; New York State isn’t doing the same old worthless things – they’re doing a new version of the same old worthless things. As our lakes and waterways become increasingly impaired; State authorities do a handshaking-dance with powerful Agribusiness interests in a dog-and-pony show of endless data-deflecting studies. Voluntary guidelines and regulations with less teeth than a Gummy Bear – stewarded by agriculture controlled committees with a no-fault/no-fine manure spill mandate.

Is anything changing? Yes, the pollution is getting worse — and the corruption is getting “grandfathered”.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “What’s changed?” Bumper sticker

“What’s changed?” Bumper sticker

1521: “He was fated to die” – 2021: “He was in the wrong place; at the wrong time.” What’s changed? In one way; nothing. But in another way; everything: in 1521 “fate” was a way of coping with something that couldn’t be changed – in 2021 the “wrong place/wrong time” is an excuse for writing off human lives as bureaucratic overhead. In 2021 being murdered in a “robbery gone wrong” is almost considered dying of “natural causes.” In 2021’s society: everyone has a place; and they’re kept in it — even victims.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Form Based Codes are like Dictators” Bumper sticker

“A“Form Based Codes are like Dictators” Bumper sticker

“Only a fool would assume they won’t abuse their power.” Don’t we know it. It seems like wisdom has become old fashioned – with so many cautionary tales about people who expect to retain power while renouncing their authority; and those who give over their authority for the promise of thoughtless ease – it’s surprising that today’s uber-naive demand that their government act responsively; when they’ve already given up the power to demand anything.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Form Based Codes: If you think they’re not authoritarian” Bumper sticker

“Form Based Codes: If you think they’re not authoritarian” Bumper sticker

“Form Based Codes: If you think they’re not authoritarian; Try to get them changed.” Form Based Codes have the following attributes:

1. They give government a much greater regulatory power over where and how people are allowed to live.

2. Developers get a “streamlined” approval process.

3. Most descriptions of the advantages of form-based codes are only statements without any actual proof.

Are Form Based Codes right for your community? Do you wear a sign on your back that says “Kick me!”?

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Times change – But for the better?” Bumper sticker

“Times change – But for the better?” Bumper sticker

“Times Change • But for the better?” The Adolescent Society is all pride and prevarications – so when they tell you they’re doing this so that things will be better in the future – they are only thinking about what they want now. “If you buy me a dog; I’ll take care of it.” Maturity and responsibility are Adult traits.

“Ethnic mix” was for everybody — today’s “Ethnic purity” is a proud doctrine of privilege and hate – argued for a future that is only an excuse; not a goal.

Everybody I respect; from Abraham Lincoln to Frederick Douglass, from Mother Teresa to Malcolm X: believed that the Only way to achieve a future of human worth and equality was by never practicing discrimination.

They weren’t fools. Human nature hasn’t changed; and these were smart people; people who heard a lifetime of arguments and pronouncements telling them that they should turn from that path – even if only a little bit, or just for a while – and they refused.

Does this mean you are walking on a different path? Yes, and if you think you’re heading to the same destination – just look who you’re on that path with. And clean up your room.