You have to look a little deeper than the surface; if you want to heal the surface of the earth. For too many years I have followed the billboard-sized butts of behemoth SUVs with environmental stickers. “Be the Change” has inspired no rising tide of responsibility. And their environmental efforts amount to no more than electing someone else who claims that they will do something about it. “Environmental” is an established marketing segment. We keep borrowing — and the bill collector is coming.
Tag: government policy
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “No Justice – Just excuses” Bumper sticker
The most important criteria for government experts and contractors is how well they work with the government. Our taxes pay for the Town lawyers who defend the government from the encroachment of the public into the policy and decision making process. Always and everywhere; the minimum possible legal participation is the maximum allowed to the people.
Everywhere in Tompkins County: self-serving policies and draconian regulations are enacted – without the involvement or oversight of the people — while contracted experts gain career longevity by showering the residents with carefully worded misrepresentations and intellectually dishonest paradigms.
At Town and County policy “hearings”; the public is informed that they can’t ask questions, and should be grateful they can sign up to speak for two minutes; because they don’t have that legal right.
County Authorities [and their cronies] don’t worry that a thoroughly cowed and conforming public will burn down their money-changing halls and establish a radical form of society: representative government.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Top of the heap – Bottom of the barrel” Bumper sticker
Abraham Lincoln said: “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” Tompkins County government is overwhelmingly liberal and Progressive: so it is the ideal place to study the character of its adherents — While the universal opinion of area residents is that County government is corrupt and there is no meaningful public participation; authorities continue to do as they please. There are no rules – only tools. The character: Self-serving, Authoritarian and Corrupt. Tompkins County is leading the way to our “Lies and Lubyankas” future.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “An Age of Reasonable Bigotry” Bumper sticker
Abraham Lincoln said: “How many legs does a dog have if you call his tail a leg? Four. Saying that a tail is a leg doesn’t make it a leg.” — but today’s self-serving society gives legitimacy to assertions of “goodness” that spring from greed, the love of power, and hate: Backing up excuses that wouldn’t fool a child; with an intimidation that would convince almost anybody.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “It’s the Circle of Lies” Bumper sticker
It takes a special kind of liar to portray a collegiate world of environmental nurturing, ethical policy-making, and public participation — when they know that everyone believes the opposite: and it takes an influential plutocracy to avoid the consequences. Tompkins County: submit to the power – or else.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Form Based Codes are the mold” Bumper sticker
Just as manufacturers create molds to define shape their product; Form Based Codes allow politicians and bureaucrats to define the shape of the community that residents must conform to. Form Based Code proponents spend a lot of time trashing previous Zoning processes; but they are reticent in revealing their own:
Form Based Codes give unprecedented and unarguable power into the hands of authorities – PERIOD. There is no other certainty. There is no guarantee of public meaningful participation, there is no practical way to change or prevent any Form Based Codes that are handed down. The “streamlined development approval process” ensures that there is no way for the public to block any development that authorities want.
Form Base Codes are a tool of the “New Urbanism” – a manifesto of Urban Colonialism – a city-centric mono-viewpoint that architects have offered to gain a place in the power structure.
Form and Conform meet in Form Based Code regulations – first, the streets outside you home – then, the rooms inside your home – then, the thoughts inside your head — is there a limit to “form based” regulations? Is there a limit to the craving for power?
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “There are plenty of fish in the sea” Bumper sticker
The college experience in Tompkins County used to be characterized as “Centrally located; in the middle of nowhere” – now it’s “Centrally located; in themselves.” So many college students, staff, and alumni are wrapped up in being the “destination” of the future – they’re unable to wrap their heads around anything else.
Being in the middle of nowhere not only eliminates the competition; it throttles any opposition: there is only one source quoted for all information and explanation.
The metropolitan seas may offer a greater variety and number of opportunities; but the Tompkins County puddle offers the opportunity to be an absolute ruler — and for many people here – that’s the destination that attracts them most.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “There’s more to policy than meets the law” Bumper sticker
Tompkins County’s policies are legal: sort of — the sort of legality that lets people get away with things – the “fine print,” the meeting the “minimum” requirements, the deceptive phraseology, the shameless assertion, the credentialed cronyism, the “in-house” decision making, the agenda-filled survey, the “loophole,” the gerrymander — it’s actions without ethics; it’s law without legitimacy – but it’s all swept under the rug.
In a college county with a four-year memory: a couple of graduations and a friendly newspaper is all it takes.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Tompkins County Legislators” Bumper sticker
Government guidelines are simple in Tompkins County: “Shut up, pay your taxes, and do what you’re told.” — and there’s nothing you can do to change any of it. Even if you talk; they never listen – they know that you have no power; no one can “upset their applecart.” The tax breaks all go the big corporations that run the county. And new laws and regulations are constantly being passed to repress the rural community and drive out the ones who haven’t already been forced out by high taxes. You can still hunt deer to help feed you family: but you can’t hunt up the cash they demand to support their luxury school system. Tax assessors are the only County outreach most rural people ever see.
“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Don’t Wake Me” Road Signs
It’s bad enough to be a piece on the board in a political game; but with a dictatorship – it’s game over. In Tompkins County; the people have no human worth — they’re just a material that’s used to cast the “selfie-statues” of the elite — a humanity that their impaired “vision” can’t see.