“The World According to Doctrine” — “When you’re waving on the roof. . .”

“When you’re waving on the roof. . .”

We live in a world where an authoritative explanation is considered the same as a solution. We’re told that the recent “1,000-year floods” are due to climate change, and “what would normally be a small and consistent trickle of water over the course of the year, becomes a large bucket dumped all at once” – concluding that “we need to rethink everything about how we build where we build.”

Ya think? Don’t fix the climate change; fix the building codes? Maybe we should rethink everything again.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Science isn’t Science anymore”

“Science isn’t Science anymore”

Shamelessly self-promoting: science has become a platform for the destruction of humanity – a tool of the rich and powerful; selling a vaporware future to an anxious population.

In our unhappy world: Science keeps piling block on top of block; to make a bigger pile of blocks – with the singlemindedness of a Scrooge – never admitting the need for responsibility and accountability – and with no epiphany in sight.

Science has traded the adult wisdom of fallibility; for the adolescent; “Look what I can do!”

Now what can they do to fix it?

“The World According to Doctrine” — “What’s good for the goose. . .” Bumper sticker

“What’s good for the goose. . .” Bumper sticker

Our government is on hair-trigger alert to add to their power with every possible excuse – but no excuse is sufficient for them relinquish any of it.

We no longer have a dialog with our government; it’s a monologue of policies and precepts – with no meaningful participation or oversight by the people. Congress is not filled with our representatives – but our rulers.

The time left to change all that is running out: Congress is deftly juggling the disastrous fallout from their Climate Change Cronyism; and when they let the pieces drop – they’ll find out that they need to control everything.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Why is our government like cheap insurance?” Bumper sticker

“Why is our government like cheap insurance?” Bumper sticker

Like the cheap insurance policy that refuses to pay out when you have an accident; the mirage of our government’s caring persona blinds us to a desert of bureaucracy and self-interest. You can distance yourself from the real-world consequences of a policy — until you need to use it.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “When you’re disposable. . .” Bumper sticker

“When you’re disposable. . .” Bumper sticker

How does our government deal with the victims of their policy making? The same way the Nazis did: by demonizing and dehumanizing them. They can only be one of two things: trash waiting for pickup – or litter.