A take-off on the famous New Yorker cover: Urban Colonialism doesn’t see the rural community – only vacant land – somewhere between Deliverance and the Dukes of Hazard.
A take-off on the famous New Yorker cover: Urban Colonialism doesn’t see the rural community – only vacant land – somewhere between Deliverance and the Dukes of Hazard.
Uneasy lies the heads of those who always want more. New worlds to remold into their vision. Times have changed — the elite used to pretend they cared about us: now all they care about is their vision.
“Put your head between your knees and hope” is government’s answer to riding with an impaired driver – as their drunken progress brings us ever closer to the cliff’s edge.
Their refusal to enact Climate Change regulations that would affect industries; has resulted in Climate Change droughts, floods, and heat that has had an even greater effect on businesses – one that will continue to increase.
Millennials won’t get their hands dirty: they’re too perfect to do anything but blame.
Is there still time? Time before we crash, yes. Time to avert it, no. If having a fatal crash is the solution to repeated DUIs — we’ve found it.
Thoughts from the edge of our mainstream society – which is where they’ve been pushed out of the way. I you think; you can say “I don’t think so.” If you don’t; you just say “That’s wrong.”
More bumper stickers; less space. More of your thoughts – no text added. Does thinking increase or reduce stress? It adds some stress of course — but it helps to remove that “Oh, My God!” moment — and increases your lifespan.
Go with the flow and over the falls with our updated, Doctrine-rich, Victim’s fault, Judicial System. Getting picked for Jury Duty is more of a hardship than committing a Felony in today’s legal world – so use your cell phone to cut your cell time: turn the crank of Justice and throw some money in the cup.
Food tastes best – when you’ve never had anything better. If you’ve never had the taste of an old hen made into a soup or a fricassee; then the tasteless poundage of today’s juvenile fowl is the standard — and “Everything tastes like nothing” is the new paradigm.
Like setback contractor homes: our food producers push right up to the legal limits to maximize their profits at the expense quality – and rely on additives for any pleasurable eating you think you’re getting.
And what is that strange itch you’re getting down there? Maybe you’re changing with the times.
“Scientists have long warned what our fossil fuel addiction will unleash” lectured António Guterres, secretary-general of the United Nations.
Oh, yes? For decades; scientists have not warned the people of the Climate Change precipice we were heading towards.
Anyone without long-term memory problems will remember that scientists talked of “naturally occurring cycles” and continued to cite the lack of convincing data to legitimize their scientific silence.
Career longevity and funding are the yin and yang of scientific life; and unwelcome theories are a poison in the body of the scientific community.
Do scientists have a better understanding of the world than the rest of us? You could say that: Scientific theories have the authority of law — and the accountability of an election promise. The robes of a judge; and the soul of a politician.
It’s easy to see the bad times are coming — we’re not doing anything to stop it. It’s the New Normal of death, disaster, and fear – and we’re being taught to accommodate it with a Total Daily Maximum Load of suffering and denial. First we’re taught to blame, then we’re taught to demand, then we realize the reality.
With the New Normal of sticking our head in an anthill; we’re all expendable — Well, that’s what the people who aren’t expendable tell us.
Everything is illegal to some degree – and you need to pay up for the lawyer – and plead down for the DA’s office. These New York State Class E Felonies have been split into three parts and then jumbled up. Can you put the parts in correct order so they make legal sense?
Topsy Turvy Class E Felonies Solution:
Temperature has degrees, right and wrong has degrees, lawyers have degrees, and criminality has degrees — but only a frying pan has de grease. Out of the fire; into the frying pan — probation.