“The World According to Doctrine” — You won’t save the Titanic by bailing

You won’t save the Titanic by bailing

A few years ago: it would have made me cry – but now, I just shake my head and laugh: electric cars. Electric cars will make no meaningful difference. Electric cars are what you do along with meaningful changes — not instead of.

Did you know that the Agricultural Sector in New York State and elsewhere is allowed any amount of open burning, and the unlimited use of smudge pots? And not only is Agriculture a significant user of fossil fuels – in states like New York: they are Fuel Tax Exempt – undercutting any regulatory attempts to curb their fossil fuel usage.

Methane emissions are driving Climate Change – and the Agricultural Sector is the largest producer of methane in the US – and the only sector where emissions are still increasing. And the farming methods being promoted by the USDA and Land Grant Colleges are the largest emitters of methane of all farming methods.

All the biggest producers are transitioning – from claiming Climate Change doesn’t exist: to claiming they’re doing something about it.

Climate Change is here to stay – and it’s already too big to get out the door. Drive happy!

“The World According to Doctrine” — Tompkins County Definition: Homeless

Tompkins County Definition: Homeless

Politics is all about convenience – and there’s nothing more convenient than a vague and nebulous classification:

Especially one with emotional leverage.

How many communities have allowed housing complexes that will serve elderly residents – that turned out to be high-crime, felon and sex offender dumping grounds — with a scattering of elderly as perennial victims.

The “Homeless” designation is the perfect heart-tugging catch-all to disguise the problems of drug addiction, violent crime, and under-the-radar serial killers passing through.

Dumping your problems on someone else is more convenient than trying to solve them yourself – and more practical. It changes: “I’m no good for not solving them” to “you’re selfish if you don’t accept them.”

The Cornell-Ithaca machine “allocates burdens” to the other towns in the county – while keeping all the benefits to themselves.

It’s not that residents don’t understand what’s going on – it’s just that Tompkins County is not a representative government – and these days: it doesn’t even bother to hide it.

When corruption reaches a level of blatant display and whispered stories — it’s past remediation.

“The World According to Doctrine” — What’s good for the gander –

What’s good for the gander –

“What’s good for the goose is good for the gander” – refers to a concept of gender equality that is no longer permissible in modern Doctrinal Society. Acceptable behavior is set forth in law at a higher level: by people who refuse to reveal what they are giving, what they are taking, and how they are weighting the scales – or to have their decisions questioned.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Using doesn’t define you: It empowers you.”

“Using doesn’t define you: It empowers you.”

“Doing unto others . . .” is just an out of date homily in this time of naked greed. People who distain menial jobs; have no problem taking from those who work them. And “compassion” is just a tool to shame those who have it; into giving to those who use it.

The only crimes left are not getting what you want — or someone not giving it to you.

“The World According to Doctrine” — Only men admit to being sexist

Only men admit to being sexist

Women always defend or excuse their sexist behavior. “Always sexist – always an excuse” is an amazingly accurate paradigm — but then, there’s no more room for truth in modern Doctrine than there is for gender equality.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Why do people who disbelieve in religion . . ?”

“Why do people who disbelieve in religion . . ?”

You can knife five people to death at a party – and you’re not accountable. But if you have non-conforming beliefs – you’ve committed an unforgivable crime.

We’ve moved from “saints and sinners” to “users and losers” – and the self-serving Doctrine that facilitates an endless taking has no place for ethical or religious restrictions. A greed-driven media goes out of its way to link religious beliefs with everything bad – and promote a guillotine-crowd of targeting haters.

Welcome to a time where victims have been downgraded to complainants – and are just one politician away from a “not human beings” status. Embrace the feel-good conformity — and drive your electric car in climate change weather.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “If psychiatrists were accountable . . .”

“If psychiatrists were accountable . . .”

It’s a world of power – without accountability. Of authority – without oversight. Whether it’s the Girl Card, the Race Card, or the Official Card – it’s a game of bureaucracy that allows some players to play by a different set of rules. It’s a corruption that balances the books – and won’t allow any auditing.

“If you want to know the end, look at the beginning.” – African Proverb

It’s not going to end well.