“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “We’re all in this together” Said the Centurion to the Galley slaves.

“We’re all in this together” Said the Centurion to the Galley slaves.

“We’re all in this together” Said the Centurion to the Galley slaves. Politicians love to talk about “us” – and avoid breaking it down to “you.” In the words of the Grateful Dead: “We can share what we got of yours ‘cause we done shared all of mine” — And I don’t mean your money – I mean the attitude that you’re better than other people – that you can judge others because of who you are; and who they are – the deep self-satisfied feeling that comes from being owed something because of your race, gender or ethnicity . . . that’ll do to start with — Wooooo — I’m feeling better already. Don’t burst the bubble.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “There are none so blind” Bumper sticker

“There are none so blind” Bumper sticker

“As those who are blinded by gold.” Sometimes blindness is not being able to see – and sometimes it’s not being able to see anything else. Regard for the things that money can’t buy is not just for those who don’t have it: it’s for all those who realize what a poor substitute money is. Most people find that out sooner or later. Sooner is better.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Cornithaca County is so corrupt . . .” 11

“Cornithaca County is so corrupt . . .” 11

“Their Code of Ethics is fill in the blanks.” Cornithaca County’s ethical oversight is like a temporary spare — it’s used to distance participants from the scandal until permanent repairs can be made. There is no clear-cut case of misconduct that cannot be side-stepped or misunderstood into non-action. And if you persist; they just stonewall.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “The concept of being ‘owed’” Bumper sticker

“The concept of being ‘owed’” Bumper sticker

Let’s face it: when “entitlement” started getting bad press; it started using disguises — it’s “tradition,” it’s “compassion,” it’s a “safety net,” it’s what you’re “owed” – it’s all about you. You can’t balance the scales of justice with nothing on the other side.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Biden’s Global Warming Policy” Bumper sticker

“Biden’s Global Warming Policy” Bumper sticker

“Is like cleaning the storm drain in the shadow of a tsunami.” Government policy is all about talking big; and getting tough with the little people. Expect to see “Global Warming” Taxes — that will be used to pay off the big polluters. [They’re called “incentives.”]

It’s not panic that causes the most deaths in house fires — it’s lack of panic.