“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Voyage to the Flotsam of the Sea” Movie poster

“Voyage to the Flotsam of the Sea” Movie poster

People may not “re-ingest” plastic containers, as I suggested in another piece, but they seem able to swallow any policy or marketing idea that suits their own convenience.

Nothing that is being done will have any meaningful impact on the actual problem — reality has proven extremely resistant to the policies and efforts that have been applied.

The reality is that people are unwilling to make the choices that have to be made – and with so many extinction causing routes and vehicles: will it be “Fire and Ice,” or “Not with a bang but a whimper”? “Hi-Diddle-Dee-Dee.”

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Global Warming is what we expect” Bumper sticker

“Global Warming is what we expect” Bumper sticker

“Global Destruction is what we get.” Global warming is always portrayed as something that will change your life; but not something that will end it. Science’s pride of always “leading us forward” leaves no room for the humility of stocktaking.

People often quote: “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing” – but the original saying was; “A little learning is a dangerous thing” — and with all their knowledge; “science” seems to have learned little from the disastrous miscalculations and unintended consequences of their past actions.

From “The Discovery of Global Warming”: “1986 Meltdown of reactor at Chernobyl (Soviet Union) cripples plans to replace fossil fuels with nuclear power” and “2011 Reaction to nuclear reactor disaster at Fukushima (Japan) ends hopes for a renaissance of nuclear power” – the dismissiveness of the loss of human life and million-year environmental recovery shown in this scientific historical viewpoint is only overshadowed by the certain repetition that the use of existing and future reactors would bring. How can “New and improved” protocols help? New and improved protocols were in place at Chernobyl and Fukushima — they’re plugging holes that are only discovered when they leak. Disastrously.

“Global Warming” may require more than sunscreen – you may need a submarine.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “This Frypan, Earth” Movie poster

“This Frypan, Earth” Movie poster

“Inspired by Scientific Fact!” It’s a new deal in the fight against Global Warming – but the big players have already been shuffled to the bottom of the deck.

A psychologist once told me that doctors were taught arrogance at school. Now, all our “professionals” seem to have caught the bug. They have the pride of a child who feels in control because he or she has gotten the machine to move: without worrying about how to stop it.

The roles that government, business and, science have taken on for themselves is the same recipe used to plot monster and horror stories throughout the millennia — power, pride, greed, and victims.

Proponents of genetically modified and manipulated organisms, nano-technology, artificial intelligence, and more are bursting the unguarded safeguards of reason and caution. They’re itching to make their toys run – and have no idea how to stop them.

As our ability to start things far outstrips our understanding; and our power to effect change becomes world-class – the coming fall; may be the end for all.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Ingest” Logo

“Ingest” Logo

I deny that beer had anything to do with it. I was drinking a few beers, and thinking about the “microplastics” we eat; and the plastic pollution problem – and I had an idea:

Why don’t we eat all that plastic.

A little number crunching showed that 7.7 billion humans could consume all the plastic produced by eating only 3 1/2 ounces per person, per day – so I roughed out a campaign:

First was to expand the recycling behavior canon by adding the “Ingest” category logo that you see – “Reduce, Reuse, Ingest, Recycle” [Maybe it would be better to call it “re-ingest.”]

Next came some catchy promo phrases:

“Put your plastic where your mouth is.”

“Actions speak louder than burps.”

And of course: “You are what you eat.”

They used to say: “You have to eat a peck of dirt before you die.” – But now we can say: “You have to eat three tons of plastic before you die.”

As we enter the post-logic era of prioritization – eating our waste; means less waste:

“It’s all our shit anyway.”

And now that I think about it – it is a Global problem; and it was Imported beer.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Krazy Rats Scenario”

“Krazy Rats Scenario”

Increase the density of the rat population – and they go crazy. It’s a myth – they say. So what’s our excuse? In a world so Doctrine-ordered; maybe our craziness is ordered too. Form Based Craziness. Maybe the craziness is so we can’t see what’s going on. Or maybe the craziness is to stop us from living comfortably together. Craziness gives a great power; but without sure control.

Will the craziness destroy us? It’s not brinkmanship – it’s a pattern of abuse: If they can’t have the world . . . then no one can.