“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Government Cleanup Campaign”

“Government Cleanup Campaign”

As you can see in this “Rise of the Evil Ones” graphic: if we don’t clean up government; they’ll clean us up. It’s not so big a step from an unresponsive government; to one that responds in ways that may terrify us. Some people just won’t conform . . .

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Hardwired for Hate”

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – “Hardwired for Hate”

Hardwiring reduces flexibility – but it greatly increases the reliability, and ease of replacement. The “hater” can become the “hated” with just the flip of the switch.

That is why governments love hardwiring – whether it’s Form Based Codes, or a new regulatory statute: we supply the power, and they supply the control.

Our Societal Abattoir is funneled by “Social Justice” — and the only way out is through their knives.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – Doctrinal “THEM!” Pressbook – page 4

Doctrinal “THEM!” Pressbook – page 4

Doctrine is everything – Everything is Doctrine. The advertisements and text on this page; merely make a more overt display of the hate self-interest that lies just below the surface of almost everything you see and touch these days. Sometime soon – they’ll just pull off the tarp, open up the box, and raise the curtains on the Final Show . . . the End of Days.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – Doctrinal “THEM!” Pressbook – page 3

Doctrinal “THEM!” Pressbook – page 3

“You can’t make a dictatorship; without breaking bones” – and “page 3” makes no bones about indoctrinating the public to do it for them.

Giving up your children for school and activities – is still giving up your children. Few parents have any idea of the conforming patterns and attitudes that are being taught to their children.

The COVID Pandemic showed a remarkable lack of compassion for the elderly victims; and marked lack of interest by our government and media.

Maybe the real diversity today resides in the many different pathways we are racing along toward our dissolution: Social, Political, Scientific, Environmental – way too much arrogance and greed, and way too little humility and compassion.

There has been a popular culture of “Post-Apocalyptic” visions — but what are the odds of there being a “Post”? Less every day we wait.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – Doctrinal “THEM!” Pressbook Cover

Doctrinal “THEM!” Pressbook Cover

A target — like many others in today’s Doctrinal Demagoguery. It’s interesting that the “One Thought” doctrine holders have aggressively claimed to have debunked the “No Irish need apply” belief – only to have their own claim debunked through a simple internet research of period reference material. In addition to the negative “No Irish” declaration – a number of want ads preferred to use a “Protestant only” affirmative – like an early form of today’s discriminatory “Affirmative” techniques.

You could write a book on the number of truisms that are no longer spoken of, the wisdom turned to face the wall, the back-door bigotry that has been given the run of the house.

The ongoing academic “replication crisis” finds that more than a third of the studies in some fields cannot even be reproduced by independent researchers: many are due to contemporary incompetence; but a growing number of studies are deliberately made up to support a political agenda.

There’s a pretty good chance that the “study” Doctrine holders are citing is just a lie they want you to buy — damaged goods; selling damaged goods.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Rise of the Evil Ones” – Doctrinal “THEM!” Pressbook – page 2

Doctrinal “THEM!” Pressbook – page 2

The names have been changed to “THEM!” to protect the innocent. Names? If you can only think of one; then you are ripe to be one of the mob.

The form is based on the 1954 movie pressbook – with the “kitchen sink” Type Direction that adds an element of exploitation publicity fun to the graphics. I know my graphic senses will be itching to redesign the “paste in the blank space” pre-press, board style; but it’s nostalgic too.

How many remember “mechanicals”? I worked for a magazine that was too cheap to pay for proofreading the Galleys – so I had to correct it on the drawing board with a razor blade and a T-square: but then; my current budget only allows for Photoshop CS5 – when InDesign would be more fine.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “The Crime Machine” Movie Poster

“The Crime Machine” Movie Poster

What is Science Fiction? If I were to go by the billboards and TV spots; the threats of global warming, drug addiction, and violent crime are nothing compared to the evils of tobacco — if you’re not robbed, killed, or struck down by an unprecedentedly large hailstone on your way to buy a pack of cigarettes.

The victim is the lie that you’ve gotten away with. The victim is only a walk-on part. The victim is only the wrapper; the criminal is the candy, the product.

People used to gasp at the irrational logic of “no more than ten to twenty million killed, tops”: welcome to 2022 . . . and the future.