“The World According to Doctrine” — “What goes around; comes around – in a different guise”

“What goes around; comes around – in a different guise”

Evil recycles – and the same evil can take many forms: but evil cannot just exist – it must act. The small evil is the key that unlocks the door to a bigger evil.

The “lens” of evil is a lens of distortion. If you have three children; and always praise and recount the goodness of two of them – and use the third one as an example of everything bad: the evil would claim that this is to promote recognition of the worth of those two – disguising that evil with a coating of self-serving gain, and cloaking the action with secrecy. Another day: one of the remaining two children would be found unworthy – and then; the last child will fall. Evil does not share.

If you give a government the power to discriminate against whoever they want, whenever they want, for as long as they want, in secret — there is nothing that you receive in exchange that will not be taken from you.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Everybody wants to be the Overclass”

“Everybody wants to be the Overclass”

Today’s social conscience has all the impact of a forgotten greeting card. While people complain about the evils of privilege and wealth; everything they do is calculated to put them there. TV commercials are all about the ascendency of prestige and material goods; and giving is done to validate the giver.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Their actions and policies”

“Their actions and policies”

Discrimination, secrecy, censorship, profiling, stereotyping, and demonizing are not the actions of people or governments that believe in human worth and equality — and the more you question it; the more they possessively hug it to themselves. Disclosure and debate? Never. One thought – One taught – One voice – One choice — and enough mob mentality to fuel any action.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “How would I describe the world in 2050?”

“How would I describe the world in 2050?”

A day without rain is just a day without rain; but three months without rain is a drought.

A historic storm is a disaster we can recover from – but put enough of them together. . .

It’s a big world with only a small margin for our survival – and we’ve filled it up. With Climate Change eating the edges — what will people do to cling to what’s left?

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Today. . .”

“Today. . .”

What are people actually doing about real-world problems? Nothing. We have reached a stage where the value of actions has been subordinated to excuses, and it’s more satisfying to blame others than to set an example yourself. If we continue to do nothing; things will still correct themselves – the way a car stops without brakes.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Planting and watering in a desert. . .”

“Planting and watering in a desert. . .”

You could look at this as an indictment of the people who see more efficient autos as an excuse to drive more and leave the engine running.

Or of Agricultural policies that pay farmers for the damages done to their crops by the same climate change weather that they are major contributors to.

There are many other examples. It’s not surprising in a time when millennial families are constantly advertised as driving long distances, to out of the way places, in large-engine SUVs. Sustainability isn’t an electric car or a farm subsidy – it’s a way of surviving.

That’s not a living room on wheels you’re driving – it’s a mausoleum on wheels — and you seem to be in a big rush to find a parking spot.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “An ounce of prevention. . .”

“An ounce of prevention. . .”

Not all problems can be cured – so doesn’t it make sense to prevent the problem and avoid the use of dangerous poisons? Not to our government.

Politicians and Policy Makers are clearing the fields of our Society of all unwanted growth with wide-spectrum poisons – destroying the families, institutions, and religions that compete with the varieties they wish to grow.

Decades of experimentation and reformulation have led to the creation of GMOs [Government Modified Organizations] designed to be resistant to these poisons – and replace our non-conforming heritage society. To carry the analogy further; these “GMOs” do not have the ability to reproduce and survive on their own – but must be seeded, grown and harvested; generation after generation: in the forms and varieties chosen by those in charge.

“Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind” — and our government plans to profit from them both.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “There’s no difference between. . .”

“There’s no difference between. . .”

Morality is oppressive, and compassion is conditional upon the recipient: today’s doctrine is stripped down to the basics – privilege and hate – what’s in it for you; and who do you have it in for.

“It’s only a temporary condition – and it will all blow over” – I bet there were many Jews who counseled the same viewpoint.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “When you’re waving on the roof. . .”

“When you’re waving on the roof. . .”

We live in a world where an authoritative explanation is considered the same as a solution. We’re told that the recent “1,000-year floods” are due to climate change, and “what would normally be a small and consistent trickle of water over the course of the year, becomes a large bucket dumped all at once” – concluding that “we need to rethink everything about how we build where we build.”

Ya think? Don’t fix the climate change; fix the building codes? Maybe we should rethink everything again.