“The World According to Doctrine” — “When everything you do is evil . . .”

“When everything you do is evil . . .”

Our Social Policies are acts of discrimination, profiling, censorship, oppression, and secrecy — in the good sense: because the end justifies the means – for the Greater Good. Fifty years of Affirmative Action; and there’s still no end in sight for this policy of secrecy, bias – and no disclosure — a policy that has spawned a thousand evil iterations – and a million evil acts — for the Greater Good.

You’re not killing people – you’re throwing them overboard to lighten the lifeboat – you’re doing it for the survival of everyone in an overloaded lifeboat. The Greater Good.

“Shall we draw lots?”
“It’s not that kind of Greater Good!”

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Great fleas have little fleas”

“Great fleas have little fleas”

The lines of this poem; derived from an earlier work of the Anglo-Irish satirist Jonathan Swift – so aptly describes the hierarchy of taking that delineates our Society.

In a science fiction story; there is a descriptive passage of a planet with wildlife so mindlessly voracious: that one creature; while being eaten by a larger predator – still reached out to grab and begin eating a smaller prey itself.

In the maelstrom of our Climate Change fueled apocalypse to come – “if you’ve got an itch scratch it; and if you’ve got an appetite feed it” has become the societal mantra — as we ride the dog-eat-dog wave to the shores of our destruction.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Proud to be non-hispanic”

“Proud to be non-hispanic”

There is no “us” – and every difference carries a benefit – or a stigma.

Try this little test: “Proud to be Black” – “Good.” “Proud to be Hispanic” – “Good.” “Proud to be a Woman” – “Good.” “Proud to be Gay” – “Good.” “Proud to be White” . . . “Proud to be Heterosexual” . . . “Proud to be a Man” . . .

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Putting your finger on the scale is fraud”

“Putting your finger on the scale is fraud”

Every time you ask; “what are you doing?” – they answer why they are doing it. Their Doctrine is like a maze in a fog that always leads you to one place: their decision.

Ask once – and you’ll get an excuse
Ask twice – and you’ll get silence
Ask three times – and you’re a trouble-maker
Ask four times – and they’ll need to do something about you . . .
“To make things Equitable.”

“The World According to Doctrine” — The definition “non-hispanic” . . .

The definition “non-hispanic” . .

Being categorized by what you are not is widely agreed upon as being demeaning – so why does our government continue to use this ethnically biased term? Because they want to erase some cultural identities; while supporting and creating others.

Recently, they’ve been trying to trick us with a palliative: pretending that not being required to check race, gender and ethnicity boxes – is the same as not having those boxes.

We hear many arguments from people for preferential race, gender and ethnic policies – but no arguments for disclosing how often, how much, who, or how they’re decided.

If there was nothing to hide; it wouldn’t be secret. And people who really believe in equality and human worth; would never compromise those beliefs.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Be the worm.”

“Be the worm.”

Like a computer worm – today’s malware social policies replicate themselves in order to spread to every part of the country.

Politicians use policy infected communities as a host to scan and infect other communities. When these new “worm-invaded” communities are controlled, the worm will continue to scan and infect other communities using these communities as hosts, and this behavior will continue — a malicious government program that replicates itself, automatically spreading throughout society.

Political malware policies use recursive laws to copy themselves without host communities and distribute themselves by exponential growth, thus controlling and infecting more and more communities in a short time.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Reverse Discrimination” – A bigot’s lens

“Reverse Discrimination” – A bigot’s lens

There is no “us” anymore – so it’s useful to see how we’ve been divided and treated differently. Raising some up to a higher level of respect and politeness – one that reflects a higher level of esteem – while demonizing others. [This issue will receive in-depth treatment in the book – including documented examples from the Media, a Check List and an all-too-revealing Sampling Questionnaire]

In our hypocritical society of mealy-mouthed “equity” – the new social conventions embrace all the old patterns of bigotry and relative worth. A new “slavery”? Of course – we’re already indentured servants to an all-powerful autocracy – but they’ll call it something else — how about “Equitable Freedoms”?

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Imagine the world in ten years . . .”

“Imagine the world in ten years . . .”

Before we started making such big footprints in the world – How we lived didn’t make such a big difference to the future — it does now. Old Man River doesn’t “just keep rolling along” – it can not only flood all along its nutrient polluted length — it can dry up.

Not one of the governments or groups in the world is doing anything that will meaningfully change our path to disaster. It’s easy to look into the future at a changed world: but our own future is far more problematical.

We’re in an overcrowded life-boat – with no hope of rescue — and no place to land.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “What’s the similarity between . . .?”

“What’s the similarity between . . .?”

It’s Doctrine that’s important – not people. In its church of revealed materialism: human use replaces not human worth – and all things can be solved by the application of elitist policy making. Psychiatrists are among the elite – and the welfare of their patients is more important to them than a few dead people.

Today’s social policies display the same mad logic as General Buck Turgidson — and reflects the same madness in its makers.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “New Normal Videogame Screenshots – Climate Change”

“New Normal Videogame Screenshots – Climate Change”

“It’s a small world after all.” Climate Change is showing how small our world is – and how little regard we have for it. When you’re accelerating into a stone wall — letting up on the gas isn’t much of a solution. COVID was just the splatter: Wait till we get dumped in the fryer.