“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Biden’s Global Warming Policy” Bumper sticker

“Biden’s Global Warming Policy” Bumper sticker

“Is like cleaning the storm drain in the shadow of a tsunami.” Government policy is all about talking big; and getting tough with the little people. Expect to see “Global Warming” Taxes — that will be used to pay off the big polluters. [They’re called “incentives.”]

It’s not panic that causes the most deaths in house fires — it’s lack of panic.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Global Warming & Weather” Bumper Sticker

“Global Warming & Weather” Bumper Sticker

Some problems just don’t go away. Some systems don’t heal themselves after injury.

The TDML attitude says; “I can leave my car engine running because it’s more efficient”; but a more sensible attitude would be to make use of that efficiency to further reduce the carbon footprint.

The world may not return to its previous state; but it may recover more quickly. Or we could just wait . . . with the engine running.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Global Warming is Green” Bumper Sticker

“Global Warming is Green” Bumper Sticker

An example of how a small fact can be used to obscure a larger one. Authorities know that presenting facts as “truths” is the best way to have people buy into their policies.

“It begins innocently enough. Farmers use fertilizers to increase the output of their crops so that we can have more food on our tables and more food to sell to the rest of the world. But it is this agricultural runoff combined with urban runoff that brings excessive amounts of nutrients into waterways that feed the Mississippi River and starts a chain of events in the Gulf that turns deadly.”

In the book; I will deconstruct this government handout. It’s amazing how many misrepresentations are dovetailed into these few sentences — a beautiful piece of work.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Global Warming: Making Ocean View; Beachfront” Bumper Sticker

“Global Warming: Making Ocean View; Beachfront” Bumper Sticker

Just a reminder: You can make more money by using disasters; than by preventing or remediating them. COVID-19 grabbed the headlines; but smart investors know that there are always profitable opportunities in our downward spiraling world.

Ocean-rise investments in real estate is a “global warming-proof” way to ensure you can comfortably live out your natural life in our unnatural society.

“All Roads Lead to Cornithaca” – “Global Warming: prove it’s happening” Bumper Sticker

“Global Warming: prove it’s happening” Bumper Sticker

The urgency of the action is in large part dependent upon the consequences: if you don’t take precautions against the weather and only get wet; that’s one thing — if you die; that’s another matter.

While many countries believe that efforts should be undertaken to prove an action or process is safe beforehand; in America, we are frequently in the position of having to prove something is unsafe after the fact.

And with powerful, rich, and well-connected interests: that can take a lot of proving.