Looking at the inner workings; without being able to see the inner workings – is a common occurrence with those trying to participate in Tompkins County government.
Public policy is decided and ratified privately. Take it, or leave it: there’s nothing you can do about it.
Important corporations in Tompkins County: like Cargill and Cornell, receive tax cuts — while the rural areas receive cuts in services. Having basic services in rural areas, like Sheriff’s patrols, cut entirely; because they’re “too expensive” – is the definition of “unimportant” in Tompkins County’s Ivy-league-corporate planning – and it helps the bottom line – while the County’s rural tax assessments are the closest thing to Prince John since Robin Hood’s time.
We all won’t survive – and those in the know; know it’s time to start throwing people off the back of the sleigh. Is there a moral in the troika and wolves story? It’s hard to tell. Maybe it’s that the people on the top are willing to sacrifice anybody. Or maybe it’s that in certain situations; no matter what you do — you can’t escape your fate. Unborn children, the elderly, and rural people are all disposable: and when you’re disposable – you can’t be a victim. Maybe we’re all disposable. Maybe we’re all victims. Maybe none of us will survive.
Like a computer worm – today’s malware social policies replicate themselves in order to spread to every part of the country.
Politicians use policy infected communities as a host to scan and infect other communities. When these new “worm-invaded” communities are controlled, the worm will continue to scan and infect other communities using these communities as hosts, and this behavior will continue — a malicious government program that replicates itself, automatically spreading throughout society.
Political malware policies use recursive laws to copy themselves without host communities and distribute themselves by exponential growth, thus controlling and infecting more and more communities in a short time.
It’s Doctrine that’s important – not people. In its church of revealed materialism: human use replaces not human worth – and all things can be solved by the application of elitist policy making. Psychiatrists are among the elite – and the welfare of their patients is more important to them than a few dead people.
Today’s social policies display the same mad logic as General Buck Turgidson — and reflects the same madness in its makers.
Outreach is important. The “If they want our help; they can come to us” attitude of our institutions leaves people to rot in place – or suffer until they are willing to take that big first step. Instead of making people ask: “Can you help me?” — We should be asking; “How can we help you?”
Our government has no ethics; and no legitimacy. It persuades by its arguments; not by its acts.
There was a vacant lot in the neighborhood. One day a pile of discarded trash was noticed by the people living around it. Soon, it began to be filled with trash.
You could say that’s human nature — or you could say that’s our government.
“Tompkins County speak: ‘We haven’t decided’ means they don’t want to give time for opposition.” It’s a given that when authorities list several options in their planning – it’s always the least popular/most repressive one they eventually choose. Is this a coincidence? No. The appearance of choice [and in particular: public choice] is an old dodge to make people feel less pressured – less at risk. And by keeping planning decisions up in the air; they undercut public opinion.