Finished 2-page spread. There’s nothing more to say. Doctrine is everything. The kids are our future.
Finished 2-page spread. There’s nothing more to say. Doctrine is everything. The kids are our future.
Not only is this an analog for today’s un-usable government policy solutions – any history of how things could and did work in the past is suppressed. One Thought – One Taught – One Voice – One Choice.
“You can’t make a dictatorship; without breaking bones” – and “page 3” makes no bones about indoctrinating the public to do it for them.
Giving up your children for school and activities – is still giving up your children. Few parents have any idea of the conforming patterns and attitudes that are being taught to their children.
The COVID Pandemic showed a remarkable lack of compassion for the elderly victims; and marked lack of interest by our government and media.
Maybe the real diversity today resides in the many different pathways we are racing along toward our dissolution: Social, Political, Scientific, Environmental – way too much arrogance and greed, and way too little humility and compassion.
There has been a popular culture of “Post-Apocalyptic” visions — but what are the odds of there being a “Post”? Less every day we wait.
A target — like many others in today’s Doctrinal Demagoguery. It’s interesting that the “One Thought” doctrine holders have aggressively claimed to have debunked the “No Irish need apply” belief – only to have their own claim debunked through a simple internet research of period reference material. In addition to the negative “No Irish” declaration – a number of want ads preferred to use a “Protestant only” affirmative – like an early form of today’s discriminatory “Affirmative” techniques.
You could write a book on the number of truisms that are no longer spoken of, the wisdom turned to face the wall, the back-door bigotry that has been given the run of the house.
The ongoing academic “replication crisis” finds that more than a third of the studies in some fields cannot even be reproduced by independent researchers: many are due to contemporary incompetence; but a growing number of studies are deliberately made up to support a political agenda.
There’s a pretty good chance that the “study” Doctrine holders are citing is just a lie they want you to buy — damaged goods; selling damaged goods.
Apps that direct you to sites that only reinforce what you already believe, automatic rejection of conflicting information as “Fake News” or “Fake Video,” all non-conforming thought condemned without debate — the pieces are all there — putting them together is just around the corner.
Build them a concentration camp; and they will come.
Doctrine holders always take the moral high ground as a matter of right; judging and questioning others as to the worthiness of their actions and opinions — but if their own Doctrine is measured against the accepted standards of love, compassion, and humanity; the results give no reason for their doing so.