“New Book” – “Flow Chart Poetry 3”

“Flow Chart Poetry 3”

Like the Sorcerer’s Apprentice; modern science takes great pride in its knowledge of how to make things happen — without the wisdom of learning how to make them stop.

Our world is like a giant Jeopardy show; with scientists guessing at the answers – in a competition for fame, fortune, and the realization of a dream.

And if they guess wrong, and it’s Game Over for all of us — at least they got their time in the spotlight.

“New Book” – “Flow Chart Poetry 1”

“Flow Chart Poetry 1”

It’s all about the process. Whether it’s “Flow charted” or “Templated” – if your ends are relegated to the completion of assigned tasks; you lose half your humanity. And if those tasks can only be undertaken by following pre-designed paths, and through pre-designed forms; you lose the other half.

Work and play is what people do — Art is what people are.

“New Book” – “Emerging Technologies: in a race” Bumper sticker

“Emerging Technologies: in a race” Bumper sticker

Is it a coincidence that we now have world destroying technologies at the same time we have technologists eager to play with them? And it gets worse . . . we have authorities willing to overlook any consequence — as long as they can solve desperate problems; while keeping business as usual.

Black holes, Nano-technology, Gene splicing – “why not.”

The human race has become a plaything for those in power; and as for the world — if they can’t have it; no one can.