Whether you see bullet holes in this image, or not: bigotry feeds on itself and it keeps repeating.
Whether you see bullet holes in this image, or not: bigotry feeds on itself and it keeps repeating.
This page shows all fifteen musical numbers. I decided not to write a story synopsis; but hope that the readers will create stories of their own with the scenes and characters listed.
A last song to finish off the “Bigotry: The Musical” collection. A sophisticated tune for an unsophisticated life.
This number from “Bigotry: The Musical” will slot in somewhere before the “My Doctrine Tells Me So” song.
Another song from “Bigotry: The Musical” — from a section where Doctrine is gaining a stranglehold on all aspects of life. That is I think it will be placed there; but I haven’t written the story yet. [I’m always ready to create in advance of categorizing.]
It’s an age of “pretending” as a tool for users. Political doctrine is now working for the immediate profit of some; while pretending to work for the long-term good of all.
Pretending it’s for “us.”
Those to whom the death of a hundred-thousand elderly was no more than a reduction of an excess population [and a troublesome obstruction]; have now found a use for them as an issue to bash others. Hard-wired for hate: but pretending they care.
It’s a user’s world.
Bigotry: The Musical – “Can You Keep a Secret?” This piece is scheduled for the end of Act 1. You can tell from the tone of the lyrics that dark days lie ahead.
Cornithaca’s elite have run a “hate and fear” smear campaign for many elections; burying their own misconduct with the help of powerful corporate influence and a 4-year College Town memory.
This song is planned to be the last musical piece in the 3rd Act. There are many grades of shadow in this musical. In the stage lights; everything casts a shadow — but it’s the actions, not the shapes, which will define them.
This is the ninth song for “Bigotry: The Musical” so far. There are probably 6 or 7 more to complete the book. I’ve divided the songs into 3 acts and the plot line has become clearer: a rural couple are forced off their land by bureaucrats and are resettled into an urban world of subsidized poverty – jobless, powerless, and surrounded by criminals; they must try to survive the establishment of a secular theocracy.
This song (a satirical adaptation of the Song “People” from Funny Girl) is another of the pieces intended for “Bigotry: The Musical”. Although the musical will be in keeping with the Cornithaca County theme; I thought it would be more fun to write the music first, and worry about the plot later.
The ads in the Paybill will include sponsors like “Whole Human Replacement Parts” and “Do•Doctrine Nail Art,” as well as “Early Autumn” Organ Harvesting and other public service messages that will tie into body of the book.
The use of previously created and realized concepts as a leitmotif is a practical time-saver in the project; as well as adding coherence to the book as a whole.