“Rise of the Evil Ones” – Mono-Droids

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – Mono-Droids

Today’s brave new world is the one that terrified us in the 60’s: Technology, society, and education — all twisted to make us conform.

Our limited access information highways only lead to places that reinforce a single belief. The most popular product is everywhere on view. And people are famous for being famous. Your opinions are now delivered to you by using an app.

Do you ever wonder why our world is so sick?

There’s so much more money and power in treating a sickness; than in curing it. None of our ills are accidental.

The current trend is for all professions to become one with the central control.

With Artificial Intelligence fully realized; they won’t need us anymore.

Now you can go back to your “hate bytes”

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – Victim’s Fault

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – Victim’s Fault

Being in “the wrong place at the wrong time” could describe living in Tompkins County in 2021. Mealy-mouth phrases flow like crocodile tears from the Corporate-Institutional coalition that rules over the people.

It’s going nation-wide — watch your back.

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – Screenshot 2

“Rise of the Evil Ones” – Screenshot 2

While it’s tempting to “fight fire with fire”; we should always look for a better way.

Abraham Lincoln said; “Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?” What a world of human worth and dignity that sentence contains.

Today we are celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life and beliefs — or are we? Martin Luther King, Jr., along with every other revered leader in the fight for equality, believed that equality and human worth are an unconditional and inseparable part of every act towards another human being — while many of those leaders who use his name; betray his beliefs.

“The path is made by walking.” – African Proverb

If you act to repress others; then that is the path that you make.

It doesn’t get plainer than that.

There’s No Such Thing

There’s no such thing as a free lunch, and you can’t pull yourself up by your bootstraps; but today’s policy makers pretend that you can selectively repress and oppress on the basis of race and gender without doing harm.

Like a parent who argues that they only abuse their child rarely; so they should be judged on the majority of days – Or a driver who excuses driving in the wrong direction; with the idea that he’s risking his life too:

Their irrational rationalizing declares that you can isolate the cause from the effect; just by saying it is so. And that you can defend any evil action by minimizing the victim, and stressing the self-righteousness of your excuse.

Nothing so undercuts their paper-thin pretensions of a greater good, than a comparison with those that have fought in the cause of human worth.

It’s not surprising that today’s policies, so at odds with ethical behavior; are also at odds with the lives and beliefs of every respected figure of human dignity and equality we hold as examples:

From Frederick Douglass to Martin Luther King, Jr.; and from Mother Teresa to Malcolm X: their belief was that equality was unconditional — for everyone, everywhere, and always.

You can’t follow someone in the opposite direction.

Today’s policy makers are not the inheritors that cause – they are its betrayers.

New Word: “Stonewindowing”

New Word: “Stonewindowing”

Mealy-mouth manipulation has risen to a tsunami of treachery in government policy making; so it’s time to coin some new words to describe the doctrinal dictatorship we live in.

In a county where legislators went to the state capital to block our town from access to the natural gas needed to attract businesses; for “environmental” concerns; and later approved the construction of a 2,000 student residential complex powered by natural gas in their own — the word “mealy-mouthed” just means “business as usual.”

The Wall of Hate

Some of the mail I received last election. A number of these mailings don’t even promote an opposing candidate: just hate.

The Wall of Hate

What did I learn?

They have an awful lot of money from somewhere.

They don’t want to debate the issues.

They hate anyone that stands in their way.

And when they take complete control: Cornithaca County.

Codifying Corruption: New School Marks

Codifying Corruption: New School Marks

Is nothing sacred? In the Revealed Church of Secular Self-interest; Doctrinal policies are.

With new programs and attitudes that directly contradict the lives and beliefs of every respected figure of human worth and equality; it’s time for Full Disclosure – Full Exposure of our government policies and statistics.

After all, if there was nothing to hide; it wouldn’t be secret.

More blogs than you can shake a fist at

After making another folder, and saving yet another partially written blog; I’ve decided to make a State of the Blogs Address. As they say in the Deli: “Many are chilled, but few are frozen.” So here is a mixed list of the works that are cluttering my “can’t go the pub” life:

The Lansingville Road Incident – I have frequently blogged about what has happened after the fact; but this blog is about something that hasn’t happened yet: Traffic control on Lansingville Road.

Will Cornithaca County’s doctrine elite place the safety and welfare of the rural community above their own convenience and profit? Not on your crony!

Here are some more of the blogs in process:

Divide and Conquer, For ALL Lansing, Full Disclosure – Full Exposure, Lies and Lubyanka, May the Source be with You, Meaningful Political Participation, Melting Pot Myth, Old and In The Way, Principles vs Arguments, Put on a Different Face, Reasonless Reasoning, Rural Social Justice, Sauce for the Goose, StoneWindowing, The Bigotry Survey, Turned on its Axis, What’s Causing It?

And as promised: Black Box Bureaucracy.

I have recently updated two websites:

The Idea Enhancement Project – exploring the use of visual imagery to promote innovative and creative thought.

Doug Baird Art – representative artworks.

At Christmastime; when the only thing hanging over your head should be mistletoe, and the only thing under your head should be beer — it’s time to have a pint and a kiss, and get back to work. [Did I put them in that order?]

As a poet, I have a confession

I embrace every case for depression

I can sit on my ass

With a great gravitas

And get drunk with a thoughtful expression.