When they already know what they’re doing – education isn’t enough. In rural America no one can hear you scream.
When they already know what they’re doing – education isn’t enough. In rural America no one can hear you scream.
It’s easy to see the bad times are coming — we’re not doing anything to stop it. It’s the New Normal of death, disaster, and fear – and we’re being taught to accommodate it with a Total Daily Maximum Load of suffering and denial. First we’re taught to blame, then we’re taught to demand, then we realize the reality.
With the New Normal of sticking our head in an anthill; we’re all expendable — Well, that’s what the people who aren’t expendable tell us.
Fish Skimming begins in the impaired waters where Noodling goes belly up. It a sport and a living [well, some of it is] laboratory in the same rural setting. Under Agricultural Law: what’s a “nutrient” when spread on a farmer’s field; and spreading into the waterways – is only “toxic waste” when it’s spilled on urban streets – so it’s safe for rural children if they stay clear of the meth labs.
Fish Skimming is to the “Old Swimming Hole”; what Xbox is to Howdy Doody. “Kowabunga.”
Folks in rural areas don’t live under the same laws as other people – or have the same worth.
But, what would you know about it. And why don’t you?
Who do they think they’re fooling? You, of course. Just as there is public participation and meaningful public participation – there is regulation and meaningful regulation. How can we affect a slowdown in Climate Change – when those most responsible are held the least accountable? When the reduction of our country’s greenhouse gas emissions is due to the production of our goods in other countries – and the shipping of electric vehicles creates more pollution than those electric vehicles actually save.
It’s not what you do: it’s who you are – never more so than now. In a country that’s still covering up for their biggest polluters; how far away are we from doing anything about it? If they can’t have the world: no one can.
Agriculture is more than just a “cash cow” – it’s a regulatory carousel that goes around and around to the tune of money and votes. If you want to predict what the future holds for a reduction of Agricultural Pollution; just look at the past 50 years: gathering data, updating “Best management practices” [BMPs], voluntary programs, and incentives that have resulted in increased in levels of pollution – and a flood of tax money into farming pockets – over and over. Even as we enter the drain that we’ve been circling; Agriculture isn’t changing — if the climate disaster they’re helping bring about harms their profits – tax dollars will be found to fill the gap.
Agricultural farming practices are the biggest contributor of the Methane emissions that are “turbocharging” our planet’s Climate Change – but when the weather that these modern farming practices help create cuts into agricultural profits — we’re taxed to make up the difference. Agriculture is also the greatest polluter of our water and our waterways; and their use of fossil fuels is actually still increasing. Our government is trying to curb agricultural pollution by “voluntary programs” and “incentives” – decades of voluntary programs that have proved completely ineffective; and the incentives are limited to just pouring more tax dollars into Industrial Agriculture’s pockets.
Could there be anything worse? Yes, there could – for those living in our country’s rural areas: where Industrial Agriculture is steamrollering a carpet of poverty, crime, toxic fumes, and impaired water over their communities – and nobody cares.
It’s Urban Colonialism; bringing a self-serving “modern agriculture” to the backwards rural natives — profiting at any cost.
Agricultural interests always talk about regulations; because they never want to talk about the results. Agricultural regulations legitimize polluting by creating worthless standards that legally shield the polluters.
The TDML [Total Daily Maximum Load] paradigm sets the maximum level of pollution possible before environmental disaster – and then requires polluters to “try” to meet it.
Decades of Voluntary Guidelines and Nutrient Plans have proven worthless to curb Agriculture’s destruction of the environment – and the health of the rural communities they politically dominate.
The Agricultural sector is the only sector in the US that is still increasing its polluting; and increasing it across the board – from use of fossil fuels, to methane emissions, to nutrient pollution of our water: they are the fuse for global destruction.
The next time you see one of those “green” farm promotions; realize — it’s the polluting that you don’t see that will kill you.
The foundation of modern animal agriculture is a lot of manure: in both the literal and metaphorical sense.
Industrial farming practices have same relation to traditional manure spreading as the BP oil spill to a grease spot.
Modern farming is a destructive and greedy giant: leaving a toxic print on the rural landscape – a bully trying to sell the image of a much abused victim while getting more perks and privileges than any other interest group.
Take a good look at the feet that our agricultural “progress” is standing on — a shitload of money.