When you’re only a passenger – there’s no guilt in throwing up your hands and shouting: “we’re all going to die!” — and having your arms broken by the airbag.
When you’re only a passenger – there’s no guilt in throwing up your hands and shouting: “we’re all going to die!” — and having your arms broken by the airbag.
Too many cooks may spoil the broth – but too few rowers becalms the boat – in the middle of the channel – approaching the falls. Can you hear it? Puffing won’t fill the sails.
I was speaking with someone who was blaming the attendees at the Climate Change Conference for the state of inaction. What will that person do? Nothing. In 2022: blaming someone else is enough. The doctrinal world is more “real” than the real world.
While those “blameless” ones have been assured of their place in line – politicians know it take’s money and connections to get past the rope.
Our childish population won’t need to hold their breath until they turn blue — it will be a naturally occurring phenomenon. So many lenses – so little lens cleaning.
Security built on taking; is built on there being something to take. The shakiness of the post-COVID economy – that makes it easy to take – is a shakiness that taking will bring to collapse.
It’s so easy to see the many ways that policy and behavior will lead to our destruction – but not to our survival.
We embrace the mantra of the Adolescent Society: “Somebody had better do something” and “It’s your responsibility.”
Please listen to the menu; because our options have changed.
The lines of this poem; derived from an earlier work of the Anglo-Irish satirist Jonathan Swift – so aptly describes the hierarchy of taking that delineates our Society.
In a science fiction story; there is a descriptive passage of a planet with wildlife so mindlessly voracious: that one creature; while being eaten by a larger predator – still reached out to grab and begin eating a smaller prey itself.
In the maelstrom of our Climate Change fueled apocalypse to come – “if you’ve got an itch scratch it; and if you’ve got an appetite feed it” has become the societal mantra — as we ride the dog-eat-dog wave to the shores of our destruction.
Delayed gratification is wrong – ethics are repressive – empathy is Old School – don’t think about the future — it would take away your appetite. Best not to think at all; and get an expert to do it for you.
Today’s policies are all about words, about labels, and especially about intimidation. Logic is useful in debate – but there’s no debate: questions are met with silence – leaving the questioner as an isolated target.
In an Adolescent Society; nothing is more important than conforming – and no one wants to risk the consequences of adulthood.
I’ll take care of the dog, I’ll fix global warming . . . “Somebody had better do something!”
Saying Equitable and Equality are the same; is like saying robbery with violence and honest labor are the same because they’re both seeking money to support their families. It’s your actions that define you — not your excuses for those actions. The prevalence of excuses without any responsibility or accountability is a hallmark of our Adolescent Society.