The possibilities are endless – mold them in the shape of your favorite anime characters – go sarcophagus; have your face replace the Pharos’s – your favorite car; to speed you on the way [maybe that’s how you got there in the first place] – Stackable and interlocking to create a whole family tree – and the franchise potential . . .
“The World According to Doctrine” — Form Based Evil board game “A Clue type game for a clueless Society”
“A Clue type game for a clueless Society” Is it a “beat down at the puppet show?” or an “adjudication by stone the unbeliever” the “wrong-place-at-the-wrong-time in the green space” – or even an “organ harvest in the school room”?
Ms. Green, Halfaman Yellow, Megalomania Magenta, Racial Red, Patrician Plum, and White-boy Blue are the characters – the game board is done – I’ll just finish the cards – and free download for fun.
“The World According to Doctrine” — “Using isn’t about who you are” Bumper sticker
“Reasonable,” “acceptable,” “equitable,” “necessary” — there are many descriptions for the acceptance of corruption, discrimination, cronyism and misconduct into our modern society. Everything moral is a gray area – and if someone else is doing it; you can too. Be a user; or be a loser.
There’s no shame when you can shrug off the blame.
“The World According to Doctrine” — “The elderly are no longer a source of wisdom” Bumper sticker
Elderly COVID deaths for inheritance – unreported and un-prevented. With 750,000 people over the age of 65 dying from the COVID virus, and the current entitlement mind-set in the country — do you really believe it’s not happening?
Government and the media [and AARP] don’t want to upset them — isn’t that the same as animals in a slaughter house?
The elderly have been targeted for use; until they’re all used up. Then it will be someone else’s turn . . .
“The World According to Doctrine” — “Who’s Janet Fitchen?” Bumper sticker
Caring about people because they’re poor, disadvantaged, and underserved is no longer an acceptable reason – they must pass a demographic hurdle as well.
Rural people are too “white,” too different, and too . . . well, rural – to be the objects of anything but urban ridicule, bigotry, and racist profiling.
Rural communities across the country are being destroyed to fulfill the expansionist dreams of the New Urbanism: Urban Colonialism.
Who’s Janet Fitchen? The answer to that; is the answer to many questions.
“The World According to Doctrine” — “Discrimination IS the law” Bumper sticker
Discrimination: “the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.”
If you publicly proclaim you don’t do something – and you do it in secret — it’s still lying – it’s still deception – it’s still fraud.
If someone did that to you – you would know they can’t be trusted. When your government does that to you – you know they can’t be trusted either.
“The World According to Doctrine” — “Adolescent Society” Bumper sticker
“In an Adolescent Society: Who do you pick for leaders?” It’s long been a question of responsibility vs self-interest in citizen voting – and when voters believe that responsibility is the duty other people have to take care of them – and accountability is the burden others must accept – what sort of leaders will they pick?
Scammers, schemers, users, fat-cat corruptors, wannabe dictators . . . well, just look around.
“The World According to Doctrine” — “Science investigates” Bumper sticker
Science glories in theories – that are more changeable than a Global Warming weather forecast.
“That was then; this is now” certainty that comes without any accountability; it’s the perfect platform for political pronouncements.
Modern Science is permanently tethered to money — follow the money/follow the Science.
“The World According to Doctrine” — “Appearances are . . .” Bumper sticker
It’s a world that’s run on appearances – a reflective surface that is bonded to a changeable, but inflexible, Doctrine – reinforced by a limited-access information highway – a straight line path to bookmarked/favorite/followed social media distribution points.
Maybe appearances are all that matter; because anything deeper requires thought —
“The World According to Doctrine” — “Three-card Monetary”
It all started in the 60’s – the people got above themselves and started to demand a quality of life; an existence of humanity and human worth – a validation of their life.
Fast forward to the present:
The people are clawing on the precipice of destruction. Life, art, culture, religion, and humanity, are no more than letters in an alphabet soup of bland distinctions.
There is only one true and unique thing left for us to cling to: Doctrine.
Did we get here by accident? – Duh!