“The World According to Doctrine” — “Biden’s Social Policies. . .” Bumper sticker

“Biden’s Social Policies. . .” Bumper sticker

Today’s leaders aren’t “Movers and Shakers” – they’re Users and Takers — and those who spent a lifetime in honest labor and crime free innocence are their biggest targets.

What a contrast between our government’s “COVID Shrug” as the elderly die in their hundreds of thousands – and the week after week of night-and-day efforts by Congress to take all they can from those remaining.

There’s no love lost in their Social Doctrine of privilege and hate — because there was never any love to begin with.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “A spoonful of profit” Bumper sticker

“A spoonful of profit” Bumper sticker

“A spoonful of profit helps the genocide go down.”

You can sweeten the pot with other things than sugar – and some people will gobble it up.

It doesn’t have to be money; it can be power and position, wish fulfillment, legitimizing acts of hate and harm to others, or just a target for the belief that everything bad in your life is someone else’s fault. In other words: the opposite of everything that Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jr., Frederick Douglass, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, and Malcolm X believed in, and fought for.

A spoonful of profit helps the Holocaust go down.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Biden’s ‘Social Justice’” Bumper sticker

“Biden’s ‘Social Justice’” Bumper sticker

I used to joke about “the next Nazis claiming to hate Nazis” — and then it happened. Biden’s New School Nazis are a pussyfooting, mealy-mouthed iteration of the same evil — from their demonizing targeting; to their reimagined history of racial and ethnic purity. If they won’t come into the light; we’ll bring the light to them. Goodness doesn’t need to hide. Full Disclosure – Full Exposure of all government policies and actions.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Black Market Profiteering” Bumper sticker

“Black Market Profiteering” Bumper sticker

“Black Market Profiteering” has a new meaning: the act or activity of using race and preferential racial policies to make an unreasonable profit on the sale of essential goods and services especially during times of social and economic upheaval.

So far all these little pieces are just outlining the program – prep work for the operation: a dissection.

Does Evil have a heart?

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Zebra Mussels to the rescue” Bumper sticker

“Zebra Mussels to the rescue” Bumper sticker

Many modern Studies aren’t intended clarify or educate – they’re intended to obfuscate. Today’s academic “replication crisis” investigations show that the results cited in many recent studies cannot be relied on; and many are just made up.

All of a sudden; “you can’t say for sure” – and every supporter and beneficiary blasts out this new report to the exclusion of reason or debate.

It can’t be a coincidence that so many studies have appeared to patch the holes in Doctrinal assertions – maybe they could do a study on that — or a Monty Python sketch. . .

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Government Policies are like any other crime” Bumper sticker

“Government Policies are like any other crime” Bumper sticker

“Cui bono: 1 : a principle that probable responsibility for an act or event lies with one having something to gain”

Government Policies are enacted to help particular entities and institutions – to the exclusion of everyone else. It’s not a government of the People — it’s a gang.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Buy the lie ™” Bumper sticker

“Buy the lie ™” Bumper sticker

The Lie is that “it’s a little thing” – while in reality: it’s Everything. Today’s Social Policies are not a “correction”; they’re an oppression – a cage of unquestionable assumptions; a privileged bigotry raised to the level of Manifest Destiny.

Dare them to debate – and they will be afraid to. Demand full disclosure – and they will refuse to. So how can you make an informed decision?

This book will include printable “checklists” that can be used to gather reliable information for your own conclusions: A list of the acts that constitute Fraud under the law; with spaces to write comments – use one for each policy and pronouncement. A list of the most important beliefs and acts of historical leaders in the fight for human worth and equality; with spaces to write down those of today’s leaders, who claim to be carrying on that fight. [Will they coincide? Or contradict?] Lists of Questions to ask; that will reveal so much more than the responders intend to.

Don’t buy the lie: “Everything is a matter of opinion – except Doctrine” — expose it.

“The World According to Doctrine” — “Form Based Evil” board game – Free Download on Download Page

“The World A“Form Based Evil” board game

“Form Based Evil” board game – Free Download

“A Clue-type game for a clueless Society”

Welcome to Form Based Evil. Your hope for the future, Public Participation, has met an untimely end – the victim of a foul Doctrine. To win back freedom; you must answer three questions: Where did it happen? How did it happen? And who should be held accountable?

Each player represents an iconic motive in a society gone wrong. Players need to move their tokens around the board and gather clues by entering different rooms. Every time they enter a new room; it’s another chance to get closer to the truth by using the process of elimination.

“Form Based Evil” Board Game (517 downloads )

“The World According to Doctrine” — “You’ve made your bed. . .” Bumper sticker

“You’ve made your bed. . .” Bumper sticker

“You made your bed; now die in it.” This updated expression more truly defines the unpleasant results of government policies world-wide; than all the official hand-outs people are scared not to believe — believe it. The recent heat wave in Europe is nothing compared the severity and frequency of climate change disasters coming in the next few years – tumbling into migration, starvation, poverty, global unrest – and “conflict.”

Our government is possessed of a megalomania that allows them to think that they can solve life-and-death problems by just repressing the little people, while still keeping their “business as usual” cronies flush and plush. Extinction-risking emerging technologies are the “magic bullets” offered by their scientific counterparts to make this happen. They’re gambling the world — but if they can’t have it; no one can.