Like the cheap insurance policy that refuses to pay out when you have an accident; the mirage of our government’s caring persona blinds us to a desert of bureaucracy and self-interest. You can distance yourself from the real-world consequences of a policy — until you need to use it.
“The World According to Doctrine” — “When you’re disposable. . .” Bumper sticker
How does our government deal with the victims of their policy making? The same way the Nazis did: by demonizing and dehumanizing them. They can only be one of two things: trash waiting for pickup – or litter.
“The World According to Doctrine” — “Leave no idea behind” Bumper sticker
Politicians talk about “leaving no one behind”; but if you don’t allow for individuality and human worth – you’re just moving boxes.
“The World According to Doctrine” — “OPPORTUNITY by Edward Rowland Sill”
by Edward Rowland Sill (1841-1887)
THIS I beheld, or dreamed it in a dream:–
There spread a cloud of dust along a plain;
And underneath the cloud, or in it, raged
A furious battle, and men yelled, and swords
Shocked upon swords and shields. A prince’s banner
Wavered, then staggered backward, hemmed by foes.
A craven hung along the battle’s edge,
And thought, “Had I a sword of keener steel–
That blue blade that the king’s son bears, — but this
Blunt thing–!” he snapped and flung it from his hand,
And lowering crept away and left the field.
Then came the king’s son, wounded, sore bestead,
And weaponless, and saw the broken sword,
Hilt-buried in the dry and trodden sand,
And ran and snatched it, and with battle shout
Lifted afresh he hewed his enemy down,
And saved a great cause that heroic day.
It’s how people were taught to succeed – before they were taught that they couldn’t.
“The World According to Doctrine” — “Politicians are following the path. . .” Bumper sticker
When your path is in the opposite direction from the one you know you should be on – maybe it’s time wonder if it leads to the same place — while there’s still time to go back.
“The World According to Doctrine” — “Forever adolescent” Bumper sticker
Children are being taught life in processed, blended, easy-to-understand, and easy-to-swallow portions.
But life isn’t easy to understand – and frequently not so easy to swallow.
Adults are responsible – and that responsibility brings a thoughtful acceptance of the need for freedom of thought and of action – real diversity.
At the same time as science has been moving from a classification by form; to a classification by behavior – government has been moving from a democracy of behavior; to a dictatorship of form — Form Based
“The World According to Doctrine” — “Hard-wired for privilege” Bumper sticker
It’s a privilege that comes at a price: paid for by others now – and by themselves later.
What’s in it for those who do the “wiring”? Everything.
Mechanistic concepts of humanity are proliferating; especially those that promote human use over human worth.
Mechanistic science involves breaking down the universe into its component processes and parts – without knowing or ensuring that you have all the parts or understand the processes. It’s a “lossy” technique that throws out everything that is too complex or superficially unclear; in order to prove its thesis.
In our disintegrating world; swirling with ignorance, poverty, and famine – the trumpetings of science seem more like the unveiling of a golden throne, than a compassionate hand to the fallen.
“The World According to Doctrine” — “Tompkins County: everybody at the top. . .” Bumper sticker
Everyone praises those in authority in Tompkins County – if they want to keep their job. It’s a networking, quid pro quo hotbed; where the elite skim their lifestyle off the top. BMWs speed through our rural communities; looking around with the attitude of sightseers at an Animal Park — if we don’t wither away soon; they’ll have to use a stronger poison.
“The World According to Doctrine” — “Government: They never have the money, mandate or motivation” Bumper sticker
In the course of my activism; there were many instances where I appealed to State and Federal representatives for help on local rural issues — they invariably did nothing; claiming they had no jurisdiction or authority in the matter.
Only a fool or a knave would claim this:
In today’s partisan-political world; they have considerable influence on the local and county deciders of their Party.
They did nothing to help because they didn’t want to.
“The World According to Doctrine” — “Modern Progress as shown by screws” Bumper sticker
Not only is this an analog for today’s un-usable government policy solutions – any history of how things could and did work in the past is suppressed. One Thought – One Taught – One Voice – One Choice.