In an overwhelmingly partisan government: there is no need to compromise. It’s the perfect viewing conditions to see the future unfolding. Cornithaca County’s doctrine cleared landscape shows, not only the shape of our future; but the tools that are being used to shape it.
Category: Rural Tompkins Blogs
“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Burn Barrel Cremations”
Easier than a pig roast and better than a backyard family barbecue — Burn Barrel Cremations are sweeping the rural sweepings of Cornithaca County! As one local flyer announced “We bring in the trailer; and it’s ash without failure.” Some vendor’s ovens are even sporting accessory racks; for that big grill-up send off.
For the ultimate in “green” disposals: recycle their ashes as burn barrel insulation!
“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Cornithaca Fortune Teller”
This activity is essentially a color version of the “Misfortune Teller” in my Family Farm Fun book. My intention to revise the theme with “meaningful participation,” “transparency in government,” and similar legislative conundrums was less impactful than the reality of the rural original.
I remember these origami “fortune tellers” as a child; along with a freedom and community togetherness that today’s authorities pretend never existed. Everything is Doctrine: including everything your children are being taught. Home Schooling is the undoing of conformity and central authority.
“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “ATV Hazards”
Most ATV accidents come, not from dangerous situations; but from a refusal to realize the danger of the situation. The journey from “outlaw” to “out of luck” takes only a second: it’s as easy as falling off a log — or running into one.
In Cornithaca County’s Ag Ghetto; ATVs offer an alternative method of destruction to meth and bath salts. And as some of the parents drive around with small children in their laps or clinging to their waist; it’s a family moment as well.
“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “By Their Deeds”
Nothing sets the “Cornithacan” attitude apart more than their lack of empathy for others. The local Socialist party took to the College Town streets; urging the release of criminals to protect against COVID-19 in prisons; while being quietly unconcerned with the mounting death toll in a nursing home only a few miles away.
Give them a question of Doctrine, and they can parse righteousness to a screaming frenzy: but any question of compassion or human dignity is beside the point.
This is the present state of Cornithaca County — and the future everywhere?
“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – Left in Park – “The Old Days are Passing”
In this new episode of the Cornithaca County television spin-off; It’s an “Ill windfall that does no good” as the usual users find more ways to profit from the Pandemic.
They’ll be singing “Out with the Old and in with the Cash” when “stimulus” checks take on a new meaning and bureaucrats wax fat on wholesale inheritance taxes.
“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – Bigotry: The Musical – “People Who Use People”
This song (a satirical adaptation of the Song “People” from Funny Girl) is another of the pieces intended for “Bigotry: The Musical”. Although the musical will be in keeping with the Cornithaca County theme; I thought it would be more fun to write the music first, and worry about the plot later.
The ads in the Paybill will include sponsors like “Whole Human Replacement Parts” and “Do•Doctrine Nail Art,” as well as “Early Autumn” Organ Harvesting and other public service messages that will tie into body of the book.
The use of previously created and realized concepts as a leitmotif is a practical time-saver in the project; as well as adding coherence to the book as a whole.
“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – New Word: “Ideafication”
So many words are being redefined: deliberately using expectations of the traditional meaning to hide a very different action. Independently thinking people need to create new words that better describe these actions, and shed a revealing light on this persuasive perfidy.
Cornithaca County’s “One thought, One taught, One voice, One choice” totalitarian government makes frequent use of “ideafication” for control and as a calming measure.
“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – Third “Find the differences . . .”
In this third “find the differences” activity I decided to focus on faces. Since human beings have an understandable predilection for gathering information from faces; it would be interesting to see if this helps or hinders the recognition of differences in these two pages.
The study of imagery as a means of promoting innovative and creative thinking is outside the Cornithaca County theme of the book. However, I plan to add a section on the Idea Enhancement Project’s work to provide a practical framework for achieving and using “qualitative” thinking.
Solution Follows:
“Cornithaca County” Book Preview – “Jumping Jack Crack” Puppet
There’s nothing good about crack; and there’s nothing funny about crack addicts. I picked crack because of the rhyme, but in the Ag Ghetto meth is more common, with a sprinkling of bath salt psychotics.
The county sheriff’s department doesn’t patrol the Ag Ghetto, and it’s become a magnet for the under-the-radar “animal life”: If you’ve got an itch; scratch it. If you’ve got an appetite; feed it. If you’ve got a pipe; smoke it.
They’ve become more active with the Coronavirus — animals can sense a weakness.